
Can your mind make up places in dreams?

Can your mind make up places in dreams?

Our mind is not inventing faces – in our dreams, we see real faces of real people that we have seen during our life but may not know or remember. We have all seen hundreds of thousands of faces throughout our lives, so we have an endless supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams.

Why do I dream of places I have never been?

We always imagined fairies, fairy land and so many things while we were quite young. So, its quite normal to dream about places you’ve never been because you dream what you imagine or think of in life. We all imagine the good and the bad, without it being happened to us ever. The same is the case with the dreams.

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What does it mean when you have the same scary dream twice?

Many people have the same or a similar dream many times, over either a short period of time or during their lifetime. These dreams can be positive or negative. Sometimes, recurring dreams are symptoms of PTSD or generalized anxiety disorder.

What does the place in which a dream takes place mean?

It has been argued by Jung and other psychologists/psychiatrists researching dreams, that the place in which a dream takes places is the symbol of the person’s state of being and life. Think about your recurring dream. Maybe you know where in the world this place is, but I don’t know if it has a significance.

What does it mean to have recurring dreams about a place?

Sometimes the recurring dream is not about a person, but about a place. You may recognize it as somewhere you have spent a lot of time. Or maybe, you’ve never been there in your life. If you know where the place is, why not try to visit it?

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What does it mean to dream about large and small places?

Large places are symbolic of big-picture aspects of life, small places symbolize small-picture aspects. Each location is a map of sorts, that tells you how you subconsciously see your life and yourself. Since locations are equivalent to setting in a story or a play, the setting of your dream is a narrative element.

Does the place you dream about the same place twice?

Sure, the specific setting may change in each recurrence of the dream, but the person dreaming always knows it’s the same place. One of my close friends’ “Sanctuary” is in the depths of a forest alongside a beach.