Tips and tricks

Can you tailor your dress blues?

Can you tailor your dress blues?

Uniforms may be tailored to provide a well-fitting, professional military bearing. They shall not be altered to the extent of detracting from a military appearance, nor shall they be tailored to the point of presenting a tight form fit. Apparently the Blue Angels didn’t get the word.

Is it illegal to dress up as a soldier?

TLDR – In the United States, it is legal for civilians to wear military uniforms. However, it is against the law to impersonate a member of the military for personal gains, such as wearing a uniform to commit fraud.

Which branch has the best dress blues?

Marine Corps
Number one on the list of best military uniforms is the Marine Corps dress blues. The Marine dress blue uniform includes a long dark blue coat with a stand collar. The collar includes red trim and gold buttons. Also, Marines wear a white belt with the dress coat.

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Can you wear your own clothes in the military?

Obtain your uniform only from your branch of the armed services. It is illegal to wear a uniform or any uniform part that is not issued by the branch of the armed forces in which you serve. In general, the majority of your authorized and required uniform items will be issued during your first weeks of training.

Can I wear my Ocps to church?

They can under certain conditions. You’re generally not supposed to put on a uniform just to go to church but when you’re deployed and go to the chapel, that’s fine, or if you’re in basic training where you’re in uniform all the time and go to the chapel, that’s fine.

Can soldiers wear civilian clothes?

Soldiers are forbidden from dressing as civilians by the Geneva convention. All fighters found wearing civilian clothes are deemed insurgents or partisans and they lose all protections of the convention’s rules.

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Can soldiers kiss in uniform?

Hand-holding, hugging and kissing are generally not allowed while in uniform. Remember that while in uniform, service members are expected to maintain military decorum and bearing. It’s one of the hardest rules not to break, but an important one to remember.

Do they still wear Dress Blues in the Navy?

The venerable dress blues have been in service for over one hundred-fifty years and are still worn today. On a couple of occasions the Navy tried to replace the uniform. First, in the mid-40s, an “Ike” style uniform featuring a short jacket was tried out and was soundly rejected after its trial period.

When can a former military member wear their uniforms?

There are rules for when a former military member can appear in uniform. Every Fourth of July, Veteran’s Day, and Memorial Day parade you will encounter many proud former military members wearing their uniforms. There are specific guidelines for when military retirees and veterans can wear their uniforms.

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What is a dress blue uniform in the military?

The Dress Blue Uniform was included as part of the enlisted man’s initial clothing gratuity. In northern training stations it was issued at induction and in warmer areas not until graduation was complete and final assignment received.

Can you wear a military uniform to a wedding?

There are certain rules for those seeking to wear the uniform for formal functions, national holidays, parades, military funerals and weddings and other military occasions. Only the Service Dress Uniform may be worn; no work, battle dress or PT uniforms are permitted to be worn at formal events.