
Can you switch to reserves while active duty?

Can you switch to reserves while active duty?

Some of the U.S. armed services allow personnel to request early separation to serve in the National Guard or Active Reserves. The other active-duty services occasionally will allow you to request a discharge from active duty to serve in the Guard or Reserves under a Convenience of the Government Discharge.

Can you join the military at 17 in high school?

Before you visit your local recruiter, be sure you meet the minimum qualifications for serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. You must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien. You must be at least 17 years old (17-year-old applicants require parental consent). You must (with very few exceptions) have a high school diploma.

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Can you join the Army Reserves while in high school?

This program lets you join the Guard while you’re still in high school. The summer following graduation, you’ll attend Advanced Individual Training and train for your Guard job (your MOS). …

Can you enlist in the military while in high school?

Split-option enlistment — As a junior in high school, you can enlist in the Army National Guard and not interrupt your high school education. You start by attending basic training the summer after your junior year.

Can I switch to Reserves from active duty before your contract is up?

In exchange for getting off active duty early, servicemembers agree to serve double the time left on their contract in the Air National Guard. Other branches may have similar programs that allow active duty members off early in exchange for transitioning into the Guard or Reserves.

Should I join the Reserves after active duty?

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If you’re leaving active duty service with less than 20 years of service, you should consider joining the reserves. Once you’ve reached a total of 20 years of active service between the two, you’ll be eligible to collect retirement benefits around the age of 60.

Can I join the National Guard at 17?

To join the National Guard without prior service, you must meet these mandatory requirements: Be between the ages of 17 and 35. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Be at least a junior in high school, or have a high school diploma or a GED certificate.

How long are reserve contracts?

Length of commitment: Your total contract may range from three to eight years. This depends on the branch of service and your specific occupation/job.

Can a 17 year old join the US military?

If you graduate High school early yes, you can join at 17 with parental consent, you can ship, train, you can join a unit and be active duty, you are just FLAGGED as non-deployable until your 18th birthday, when the flag is lifted. Otherwise it is all just the same—you are emanicapted.

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Can a junior join the military as a full time?

Regardless, the Reserves and/or Guard have an option where you can join as a Junior, go to boot camp in the summer before Senior Year, and then become a “full” rese “What happens when you join the military at 17?

Can you go to boot camp as a junior in the Army?

Regardless, the Reserves and/or Guard have an option where you can join as a Junior, go to boot camp in the summer before Senior Year, and then become a “full” reservist after graduation. For Active Duty, once you join, you’ve joined.

Can you switch from reserve to active duty in the Army?

Active Duty members will be stationed away from home at an Army installation located around the world. They will work full-time for the Army. Switching from the Army Reserve to Active Duty is possible, but it is not an immediate process and can take several months (and is not always approved).