Tips and tricks

Can you oxygen theoretically fill space?

Can you oxygen theoretically fill space?

Oxygen in atmosphere will join the party. Filling empty space with oxygen. It won’t stay in gaseous form and will make make solid, it’s freezing point it -218°C. So if we want to fill up the space with oxygen we need to do it in its solid state.

What would happen if the universe was filled with air?

If space were replaced with air and we could hear the Sun, it would be incredibly noisy – the output of the Sun is equivalent to 10 million keys, or notes, of a piano. Sound intensity decreases with distance, which means that the Sun would deliver a much smaller 125 decibels to the surface of our planet.

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Can humans breathe normally in space as they can on earth yes or no?

No, humans cannot breath normally in space as there is no air and oxygen as it is on earth.

What if space was filled with oxygen?

If the Space was breathable, there would have been Oxygen everywhere. And there would have been friction in the entire universe. This could have caused the planets to stop revolving around the Sun. There would have been a permanent day on one surface and night on the other.

What is the loudest thing in the universe?

The sound made by the Krakatoa volcanic eruption in 1883 was so loud it ruptured eardrums of people 40 miles away, travelled around the world four times, and was clearly heard 5,000 kilometers away. This is hailed as the loudest noise ever – and reported in Nautilus.

What would happen if humans didn’t breathe oxygen?

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The air pressure on the earth would drop 21 per cent and our ears would not get enough time to settle. Without oxygen, there would not any fire and the combustion process in our vehicles would stop. In between all this, the earth’s crust, which is made up of 45 per cent oxygen, would completely crumble.

How is oxygen supplied to the International Space Station?

The ISS will also have large tanks of compressed oxygen mounted on the outside of the airlock module. These tanks will be the primary supply of oxygen for the U.S. segment of the ISS until the main life support systems arrive with Node 3 in 2005. After that, the tanks will serve as a backup oxygen supply.

How does the International Space Station maintain a healthy atmosphere?

Maintaining a healthy atmosphere is made even more complex by the dozens of chemicals that will be used in the science experiments on board the ISS. “In a 30 year period, there could be any number of different types of experimental facilities on board that could have any number of chemical reagents,” Perry said.

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Can water replace the oxygen we breathe in space?

The water would help replace the water used to make oxygen, and the methane would be vented to space. Right: The oxygen that humans and animals breathe on Earth is produced by plants and other photosynthetic organisms such as algae. “We’re looking to close the loop completely, where everything will be (re)used,” Roman said.

Did life on Earth come from space?

Even though it sounds straight out of a science fiction movie, it’s hypothesized that life, including human life, initially came from outer space. That’s right, aliens may be our ancestors. Panspermia, the transfer of viable organisms between planets, is considered a serious hypothesis by planetary scientists.