
Can you get scouted at 14?

Can you get scouted at 14?

You can get scouted in football from the ages of 7 until 22 and most of the players get scouted by football academies at 13. There isn’t necessarily a specific age when you’re too old to get scouted, however, the oldest age for you to be scouted normally is the early twenties.

What do football academy scouts look for?

Particularly for offensive-minded players, movement is critical, and scouts are looking for a natural desire from kids to find space and look for opportunities to get the ball. Much like a game of chess, scouts also want to see evidence of youngsters thinking three or four moves in advance.

Can I start playing soccer at 14?

You can start playing soccer at 14, If you’ve been playing other sports – your body has developed the fundamental coordination skills required. But you’ll need to put in the hard work to catch up. If the goal is to become a professional soccer player, then at 14 you’ll need to put in the hours on the training field.

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How do I know if my child is good at soccer?

10 Signs Your Kid is Great at Soccer

  • Your Kid is the Fastest Player on the Field.
  • Your Kid Never Gets Tired.
  • Your Kid is Super Quick.
  • Your Kid is Physically Strong.
  • Your Kid Thrives in the Spotlight.
  • Your Kid Thinks Fast.
  • Your Kid Scores Goals Consistently.
  • No One Can Get Past Your Kid on Defense.

What age group is Protec Football Academy?

Welcome to Protec Football Academy, We are currently trialing players in age groups 9-15 to join our already succesfull elite teams, which will continue throughout september 2021. Protec are a Standard Charter F.A Recognised Club and one of the UK’s leading providers of soccer and Elite team training ranging from u7- u15.

How do football scouts feel when they come across rare talent?

While background checks and data can help to build a profile of a player before a bid is made; there’s no measurement for the feeling of excitement that consumes a scout when they come across a rare talent. “You’re always looking for that player who can do something different,” says Williams.

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Can scouts assess a player’s personality before they join a club?

However, it can be difficult for scouts to assess a player’s personality before they join a club. Williams remembers a former Chelsea goalkeeper who fell foul of Jose Mourinho during his first spell in charge of the Blues and subsequently failed to make single first team appearance for the club.

What does Scout 7 mean for head coaches?

“The head coach is responsible for building position profiles which explain the attributes required for each position to suit the club’s style of play,” Rowan explains. “Those profiles are then translated into report format. Scout 7 measures the quality of answers for each area against the desired level set by the chief scout.