Can you be an electrical engineer with a computer science degree?

Can you be an electrical engineer with a computer science degree?

If you choose to double-major in computer science and electrical engineering, you will be qualified to do any type of work in either of these fields, and you will be highly qualified to design the hardware and low-level computer code for electronic devices.

Is it better to major in electrical engineering or computer science?

Each day for an electrical engineer could be quite different depending on the electrical components they work with and the industry that they are in. However, if you like developing applications, problem solving as a team and studying computation, then computer science may be the better field for you.

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Can an electrical engineer become a biomedical engineer?

You can definitely work in biomedical engineering with an electrical engineering degree! There are also areas of biomedical engineering that are heavy with electrical engineering topics such as imaging and even prosthetics or neural interfaces.

Which is more difficult electrical engineering or computer science?

Electrical engineering is very difficult course. There are many hard subjects and complex theories in this branch which are harder than computer. In computer branch u learn about computer processor and programming which is structure base and u can understand it easily as compare to Electrical.

Why would someone choose biomedical engineering over electrical engineering or mechanical engineering?

Getting a degree in it will help you gain a variety of skills and knowledge across many areas. Biomedical engineering is good but limited compared to Mechanical Engineering. You will will learn the fundamentals of basic science and mathematics, including biology, chemistry, and physics in your first year.

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Who makes more electrical or computer engineers?

While both fields can be lucrative, computer science roles typically have higher pay than electrical engineering roles. According to BLS data, in 2019 computer scientists made a median salary of $122,840, while electrical engineers made a median salary of $98,530.

Is electrical engineering a better career option than computer programming?

While I believe it is up to an individual and follow his/her passion when it comes to making career choice, personally I feel, between the two options, electrical engineering is a better career option. Your ability to learn new concepts, a new programming language would certainly slow down as you grow older.

Why Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University?

We find a holistic approach to the hybrid discipline of Electrical and Computer Engineering produces students better prepared to integrate modern computing systems into devices and products capable of bettering the world. Computer Science at Duke is a department in Trinity College of Arts & Sciences.

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Should I major in CS or electrical engineering?

That being said, if you plan to enter into the software industry immediately after your undergraduate program, you should consider doing CS. While you can still do this with an EE degree, chances are that you won’t be having sufficient background on CS to succeed and you will most likely fail all your interviews!

Which field of Engineering will make the most history?

, The engineer has been and will always be the maker of history. I would say electrical engineering. In this particular industry, the more you work the more skills you acquire and the greater you are in demand. In software industry, there’s always a chance that a 18 year old can become a better programmer than you overnight and replace you.