
Can something simple be difficult?

Can something simple be difficult?

For a concept that we all understand, ‘simple’ is deceivingly difficult to pin down. “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”

How do you understand complicated things?

Five tips to learn complex concepts

  1. Write an explanation of the concept; make it as simple as you can and avoid using jargon.
  2. Consider which aspects of the concept you had trouble explaining and review them.
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What’s between simple and complex?

What is the difference between Simple and Complex Sentence? A simple sentence has one subject and a verb and expresses a single idea. Complex sentences have two or more verbs, two or more clauses and express more than one idea.

What do you call someone who is difficult to understand?

inscrutable Add to list Share. Any person or thing that’s mysterious, mystifying, hard to read, or impossible to interpret is inscrutable.

Why is it hard to understand what people are saying?

Aphasia is a language disorder that happens when you have brain damage. Aphasia may make it hard for you to understand, speak, read, or write. It does not make you less smart or cause problems with the way you think. Brain damage can also cause other problems along with aphasia.

Why do I find it hard to learn new things?

Focus is lost due to distractions. When you have the urge or craving to do something else, your attention is diverted and in turn depletes “willpower energy” when trying to re-direct the attention. When your brain gets tired from overcoming distractions, you will have a hard time memorizing and learning things.

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How do you teach difficult concepts?

Simple Tips for Teaching Difficult Concepts

  1. Find hands-on activities.
  2. Ask co-workers for suggestions.
  3. Invite a special visitor.
  4. Have your students teach each other.
  5. Conduct a virtual field trip.
  6. Play a game.

What is a complex concept?

A complex concept is made up of intricate and interconnected ideas that require a deeper cognitive process. It’s not as simple as black and white and can take more effort to take apart and fully understand as it consists of several parts.

How to make complex ideas easy to understand for everyone?

How to Make Complex Ideas Easy to Understand for Everyone. 1 1. Get to Know Your Audience. Herein lies a true “trick of the trade:” Presenting information is never about the presenter–it’s always about the 2 2. Choose the “One Thing” They Should Understand. 3 3. Give Context and Use Examples. 4 4. Watch Your Language.

Why are there things in this world that people don’t understand?

There are a lot of things in this world that people don’t understand because, hey, the world is a confusing place. But we can always take solace in the fact that there are some really simple concepts and ideas out there that we can all understand.

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What are some examples of attempts to convey very complex information?

One famous attempt to convey very complex information was a military briefing on Afghanistan in 2010. A general was shown a diagram explaining the American military strategy, but, as the New York Times says in an article about the incident, he found that it looked more “like a bowl of spaghetti.”