Can soldiers draw on their helmets?

Can soldiers draw on their helmets?

Truth be told, troops in Vietnam didn’t “get away” with writing on their issued helmets, and neither do the troops who do it today. Some things never change. Even so, those who wrote on their helmets were not allowed to wear the helmet with its cover on while in the rear.

Can soldiers customize their uniform?

Soldiers are allowed to have dress uniforms custom made as long as they conform to the materials and colors outlined in AF 670–1.

Can you customize your weapon in the military?

Essentially none. Every single item in your unit’s armory is accounted for by serial number and hand signature. If you don’t need it, it’s under lock and key. It gets assigned out to you based on the MTOE — basically a document that says who is in what position in the unit, and is assigned to what weapon system.

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Are you allowed to draw in the military?

Federal Retirement, Military Retirement The general rule is that a retired military member who takes a federal job cannot draw both military retirement and federal retirement pay for the same span of time. You aren’t allowed to be paid twice for the same years of service. There are exceptions to this rule (see below).

What do soldiers write on their helmets?

Some of the slogans the Marines had on their helmets will give you a brief description of their mindset. Other common slogans were “War is Hell,” “Kill a Commie, for Mommy,” “War is Good Business, Invest Your Son” and “Hear All Evil, See All Evil, Kill All Evil.”

Are Marines allowed to wear bracelets?

Setting other common uniform questions straight: male and female Marines are allowed to wear one ring per hand, with the wedding and engagement rings counting as one; honor bracelets can be silver or black, metal or rubber, but can only be worn one at a time; and ear buds can be worn with the uniform in the gym, if the …

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Can I keep my hair in the military for religious reasons?

“In observance with your Christian faith, you may wear uncut hair in accordance with Army uniform and grooming standards provided in Army Regulation (AR) 670-1 … You may grow your hair in accordance with the standards for long hair set forth in AR 670-1,” Brito said in the memo.

Is it illegal to take photos of a military base?

Under 50 USC 797, it is a misdemeanor crime to violate defense property security regulations. It is a crime under 18 USC 795 to photograph defense installations without first obtaining the permission of the commanding officer of the military installation.

Why did some Vietnam soldiers not write on their helmets?

Some troops in Vietnam only ever wore their helmets when doing perimeter duty or moving materiel from one area to another and didn’t really have the downtime with their helmets to make any sort of writing on it.

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How much will SOCOM’s helmet cost?

The contract calls for anywhere from $150,000 to $95 million worth of helmets but doesn’t distinguish the quantity that SOCOM is seeking. Online pricing shows individual helmets on the retail market costing about $1,400 each without optional accessories. Officials expect production to finish by 2024.

How many ECH helmets does the Marine Corps have?

Marine Corps Systems Command conducted research and development by taking 92 mid-cut and 109 mid- and high-cut ECH helmets for the evaluation.

Can you write on your helmet cover?

Some things never change. As one might imagine, it would be considered counter to good order and discipline to write on one’s helmet cover. The helmet is, after all, a uniform item, usually owned by the government. To deface it would be defacing government property while at the same time violating the rules of wearing your uniform properly.