
Can real estate agents lie about counter offers?

Can real estate agents lie about counter offers?

In conclusion, yes, real estate agents can lie about offers. However, it is more likely they are using vague “sales speak” or being upfront about a specific proposal. It is up to you to discover which, retain control over your purchasing and to act in your own best interests.

Can a Realtor lie and say they have multiple offers?

Yes, a Realtor can lie about multiple offers. I think the question here is not whether he or she can lie but whether such a lie is lawful. If you are asking whether such a lie is lawful, you are asking for a legal opinion.

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Can an estate agent lie about other offers?

Although they shouldn’t, estate agents can and do lie about offers to make it look to you as a seller that they’re creating lots of interest in your property. An estate agent may also lie about offers so they can push you in the direction of a specific REAL offer, so they can get their hands on their commission ASAP.

Do real estate agents have to tell you about other offers?

Legally, agents in NSW are allowed to disclose current offers to any other potential buyers. Agents are required to inform the seller of all offers made to purchase the property, but there is no law to prohibit the disclosure of offers to potential buyers.

Can you change your mind after making an offer on a house?

Can you back out of an accepted offer? The short answer: yes. When you sign a purchase agreement for real estate, you’re legally bound to the contract terms, and you’ll give the seller an upfront deposit called earnest money.

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Can you change realtors after making an offer?

As long as you have not signed a buyer’s broker agreement, you are free to switch real estate agents. If you have signed an agreement and wish to work with someone else, you might not be able to terminate the relationship. Even if you have a list of grievances, be professional and courteous.

Is it unethical for an agent to lie about multiple offers?

So it’s more of a poker game at that point, call the bluff, fold etc. It is unethical for the agent to lie about multiple offers.

Can someone lie about a house being for sale?

If there is no other offer, it will be apparent in a few days when the house is still listed for sale. Edit.. I would add that if the house is still for sale in a week, come back with an offer 25k lower than your last just to rub it in their face. They can for sure lie.

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Is it possible to lie to make a good offer?

Makes no sense that anyone would do that. If you’re going to lie at least make it believable. It’s like playing poker or buying a car – just make your best offer and be willing to walk away. Don’t let them wind you up into making an emotional decision. Thank you, I kind of had an idea that this was happening.

Can a real estate agent refuse to present an offer?

But if it is a valid written offer and the seller has not instructed their agent to refuse to present certain offers —then the agent can not refuse to present an offer. I received an offer several years ago that I thought included some things that were illegal.