
Can loved ones in spirit see us after they cross over?

Can loved ones in spirit see us after they cross over?

People often ask me if loved ones in spirit can see us after they have crossed over into Heaven. The short answer is yes; however, there is much more to a soul’s existence in Heaven beyond seeing events on Earth.

Does your loved one’s soul come back?

The soul that adores you can’t wait to come back into your life, many times with a similar purpose. He or she might look different, but the same, unmistakable spirit will radiate forth. Do you wonder if your loved one has come back under a new disguise? Souls that have been embodied before emit these telltale signs: They left before their time.

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Is it possible to prove that someone is in spirit?

It is an undeniable fact that there is no way of proving beyond doubt that these spiritual events do actually happen. But I believe that once you have felt the presence of your loved one or loved ones, there can be no mistake that they really are with you in spirit.

Does the Bible say anything about loved ones speaking after death?

The Bible makes it clear that humans shouldn’t communicate with those who have passed. Furthermore, we can find nowhere in Scripture where loved ones appear as angels. As far as loved ones speaking to us after death, Scripture makes it clear that the opposite is true. Let’s take a look at the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.

Can spirits visit our world and do the things they want?

I think spirits can visit our world and do the things they still want to do. The things they do, or want us to know they do, are representative of the things they loved to do when they were here. I think that’s neat. If somebody loves to swim, they get to do that in the spirit world.

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Are your deceased loved ones alive in spirit?

They aren’t “dead.” Your deceased loved ones are very much alive in spirit. They are still loving and very interested in the goings-on of your life. Yes, my friend, they are very much alive. They can see and hear you and they know what is going on in your life.

What should I do with my loved ones in spirit?

Loved ones in spirit also often state they do not want loved ones on Earth to feel compelled to keep every object they ever owned because the objects are not them, they are only things which loved ones in spirit no longer need. Keeping objects with historical importance or positive memories is good, as long as they do not overload your home.