
Can I use loves in a sentence?

Can I use loves in a sentence?

Loves sentence example. She loves you, and she’s sorry.

When should we use loves?

“loves” in English Language is singular, hence, it cannot be used with the word “We” which is plural. “loves” as it is here can be used for third person singular pronouns (He, She – He loves you, She loves you). So, the correct one is “We (Plural) love (plural) you.

What is the difference between love and loves?

The verb “love” is used after plural subjects like “we” or “they,” while “loves” is used after singular subjects like “he” or “she.”

Do guys use the word love?

LOVE is just another word to most men. It just like “hello” or “hi” to his girlfriend or sometimes to a total stranger.

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Who loves in a sentence?

He, that is, who loves! Here is one young man who loves books. I am thinking and not of the girl, who loves you. Who loves to trace the field untrod by man?

Is a love correct?

Note that Love is spelled with a capital letter. It is a term of endearment, a name to call your spouse, or sweetheart. Unfortunately, I saw a love on the desk makes little sense to me, it sounds as if a person saw their lover standing on top of a desk; it’s not physically impossible, but it is highly unlikely.

Is loves singular or plural?

love ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

singular love
plural loves

Can you call someone love?

Calling someone “luv” is a form of informal term for referring to someone of the opposite sex that you don’t actually know – so a man might informally use it in place of ‘miss’ and a woman in place of ‘mister. ‘

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Does the Lord correct those he loves?

The LORD corrects those he loves, as parents correct a child of whom they are proud. because the LORD warns the one he loves, even as a father warns a son with whom he is pleased.

Is it correct to say ‘We Love You’ or ‘they love you’?

“We love you” is the correct one, as an “s” should only be added to a verb being acted upon by a third party singular subject (not applicable in plural cases). Eg, “He loves you”. But it’s wrong to say, “They loves you”, Any usage than this is wrong. Obviously the answer is: “we love you”.

How to check if the sentence is grammatically correct?

The 5 Most Popular Websites to Check if the Sentence Is Grammatically Correct.;;;;; All of these are particularly convenient, easy to use and effective. However, Grammarly as well as Ginger Software are a bit different than the other three.

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How to obtain correct sentence in your writings?

Correct sentence in your writings can cater well for the purpose, but obtaining this correctness is nowadays redefined through our online software grammar tool. We regularly witness the content demands of the world and all these needs deserve having quality content too.