
Can I renew my green card if I have a felony?

Can I renew my green card if I have a felony?

If you are a U.S. lawful permanent resident who has been convicted of a felony—or indeed any crime—then applying to renew your green card carries risk. It expires every ten years, and you are legally obligated to carry a valid green card with you at all times.

Can a felon get a green card?

Under U.S. immigration law, being convicted of an “aggravated felony” will make you ineligible to receive a green card. Instead, for green card seekers, “aggravated felonies” are a specified list of crimes that the United States Congress has decided will make an immigrant inadmissible to the United States.

Is a felon a bad person?

Felons aren’t [always] bad people. Sometimes they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time or they’re good people who make bad decisions. Just because they have a felony doesn’t mean they’re bad people, so they deserve love and respect just like everyone else.

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Is dating a felon a bad idea?

Dating a felon isn’t a bad thing, but there are some very real issues you need to be aware of going into the relationship. If you can deal with the pitfalls, then your relationship should be fine. Just be aware that there will always be a stigma attached to dating a felon and that’s something that you need to be able to deal with.

Can a felon live in a relationship?

Between those two things, it’s hard for felons to find places to live, and that is yet another matter that will put a great deal of stress on your relationship. It’s also going to put a lot of strain on you since you’ll very likely be the one to provide housing if you’re living together.

Can you get a job with a felony conviction?

Even if they were not, common sense would dictate they’ll need to find work in order to survive and pay the bills! But having a felony conviction on your record can prohibit a person from working in many career areas. In fact, many companies have strict hiring policies regarding felons.

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