Tips and tricks

Can guinea pigs have sawdust in their cage?

Can guinea pigs have sawdust in their cage?

Sawdust is not good for rabbit and guinea pigs respiratory systems as the dust causes the lungs to clog up, causing breathing difficulty, sneezing and running noses. The best bedding for small animals is straw in the place they sleep and a shaving or woodchip anywhere else.

How much bedding do you put in a guinea pig cage?

Put some bedding in the cage. Guinea pigs like to burrow into their bedding and make tunnels. Make sure to provide about 2-3 inches worth of bedding, so that there is sufficient absorption. Change bedding weekly and spot clean daily if it becomes wet or sodden. Guinea pigs prefer clean, dry bedding.

Is it safe for guinea pigs to eat sawdust?

Some guinea pigs may also eat this bedding, which may lead to gut issues. Saw dust and wood shavings are popular in small animals. However, even the dust extracted products can cause irritation to the respiratory tract. Just like people, some guinea pigs appear to be more sensitive than others.

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What do you put in the bottom of a guinea pig cage?

The best items to put on the bottom of a guinea pig cage are absorbent, soft, and odorless. Hay, paper and aspen shavings, 100\% wood pellets, and fleece meet those basic requirements. Used alone or combined with other materials, all are good options to cover the bottom of a cavy enclosure.

What should I use as bedding for my guinea pig?

We recommend paper bedding, Aspen, or a blend of the two to those new to guinea pigs. Fleece also can be used but with fleece, you’ll notice guinea pigs’ poop more and need to sweep it (as well hay and other debris) off the fleece daily.

Can guinea pigs sleep on wood shavings?

In summary. Pine wood shavings are a great bedding for your guinea pigs because they are absorbent, have a pleasant natural aroma and are a soft natural bedding that is gentle to their delicate skin. However, it is essential you buy good quality shavings that are kiln dried and dust extracted.

How many Litres of bedding should a guinea pig have?

A guinea pigs cage should never smell. Cages should be cleaned every 2 – 3 days. However as carefresh absorbs urine and suppresses ammonia cage cleaning can be every 6 – 7 days….A Guide to Carefresh.

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Size of Cage Carefresh Size
2×4 30 litre
2×5 60 litre
2×6 60 litre

Do guinea pig cages need a top?

Do we NEED a TOP for our guinea pig cage? The general answer is NO. Guinea pigs are not climbers or jumpers or escape artists. When you need to protect your guinea pigs from CHILDREN, especially small children, OR if there will be rambunctious play in the room with the guinea pigs.

Why do guinea pigs need sawdust?

Sawdust, unlike wood shavings, is very fine and dusty and can cause serious illness in your guinea pigs. As piggies are prone to upper respiratory tract infections, you need to stay away from anything that is dusty to keep them healthy.

Are Woodshavings safe for guinea pigs?

Whilst wood shavings are a very popular type of bedding for guinea pigs, you must never use wood shavings that you have made yourself or that aren’t dust extracted. Fine dust can cause irritation and infection in guinea pig’s lungs. Sawdust.

Do guinea pigs need bedding?

Guinea pigs spend quite a lot of time in their habitat so they require an excellent bedding material that’s not only highly-absorbent, but soft and cozy too.

Is sawdust OK to use for guinea pigs?

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Sawdust can be very irritating for guinea pigs (and hoomans) and is not something I personally would ever contemplate using. With wood shavings however, you will find opinion to be divided. b) what trees they come from.

Can you use wood shavings for guinea pig bedding?

These oils can cause your guinea pig to suffer liver damage. So the bottom line here is never use pine or cedar wood shavings as guinea pig bedding. So if you want to use wood shavings for guinea pig bedding make sure that the shavings are from hardwood. One of the best solutions for guinea pig bedding is apsen shavings.

Can guinea pigs eat paper bedding?

Absorbent paper bedding that is low on dust will also make cleaning your guinea pig cage much easier as well. Although this is not very likely, it is possible that your guinea pig could try and eat their paper bedding. This can cause some serious health problems and even un-dyed paper is not nutritious..

What do you put in a guinea pig cage?

What do you need to put in a guinea pig cage? The Cage Liner. The rules are simple here. Since guinea pigs have small and delicate feet, you must ensure the liner you go for is smooth, without The Water Bottle. The Food Bowl. Hay Rack. Toy, Chew Toys.