
Can a person love two girls at the same time?

Can a person love two girls at the same time?

Answer: It’s possible to develop feelings for another girl even when you’re in a healthy relationship. It’s also possible to love them both. It is important however to be sure that the new girl is in love with you as well. Avoid falling into the trap of miss-interpreting her friendliness for romantic feelings.

Why do I love more than one person?

“Many people freely admit they’ll always love an ex, even though they consider themselves to be in love with their current partner,” says Hogi. “The bottom line is, having feelings for more than one person at a time is completely normal.

Can You Love two people at the same time?

It is going to be very important to try to determine who you truly love out of the two people that you’re in love with. Though you might love two people, most situations are not going to allow you to keep two lovers. This is definitely seen as taboo in most mainstream cultures, although there are some exceptions that will be discussed later.

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Should you choose between two people in a love triangle?

Regardless, you need to do the right thing for the other people involved in this love triangle. If you really do love both people, then you should want both of them to be happy. If you can’t be with both of them, then the person you don’t choose will be able to move on and potentially find someone else.

Can you have a crush on two people at the same time?

Of course, it’s possible to develop intense feelings for two people simultaneously without ever actually dating or being in a couple with either, but in the majority of cases, that’s probably a strong crush masquerading as love rather than the real thing.

Is it possible to be in love with someone other than yourself?

Yangki’s Answer: Yes, it is possible to truly care about one person and be happy in and with the relationship, but have love or have strong feelings of love for someone else. That said, there is being “in love” or “feeling in love” and there is being “in a relationship”.