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Are humans naturally logical?

Are humans naturally logical?

Originally Answered: Are humans logical or emotional? Both. Our brains generate emotion and are, to some extent, capable of logical processing. Both helped our ancestors survive, though logic is too expensive and slow to be useful in emergencies.

Are emotions logical?

Emotion still plays a significant role in decision making, including logical decision making. Love and embrace your emotions, but have a strong sense of logic as well.

Do emotions make you human?

Emotions can play an important role in how you think and behave. The emotions you feel each day can compel you to take action and influence the decisions you make about your life, both large and small.

Which philosopher said humans are selfish?

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Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes. In his famous 1651 work Leviathan, Hobbes argues that people are inherently wicked and selfish, and he puts forth his ideas for the social contract and laws required by a society of evil creatures.

Can emotions be rational?

An emotion can also be rational or irrational in two more specific senses: (1) it can be more or less accurate in the perception or understanding of the situation it involves; and (2) it can be more or less warranted in its evaluation of the situation.

Who is a logical person?

A logical person uses precise language so that his listener knows exactly what he is talking about and can adequately evaluate the truth of his claims. If he refers to more complex terms such as “freedom” or “equality,” he makes sure to establish his particular understanding of those terms.

What is the role of Philosophy in understanding human emotions?

The former often have as their primary target making sense of the human experience of emotions and sometimes to contribute to other projects in philosophy, such as explaining the origins of rational action or moral judgment, or shedding light on what makes life worth living, or investigating the nature of self-knowledge.

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Are We emotional beings or logical beings?

I often hear that we are emotional beings, that we make decisions based on our feelings, mood and emotions. These decisions may not be logical and serve us best. On the other hand some argue that we Stack Exchange Network

Are humans logical or emotional species?

On the other hand some argue that we humans are logical beings, use logic and science to argue and build, and advance in life. So what is the verdict in your option or in the opinion of majority of philosophers, can humans be categorized as logical species or are most of our decisions emotional?

What do philosophers and affective scientists mean by emotions?

What philosophers and affective scientists aim to offer are prescriptive definitions of emotions that preserve as much ordinary language compatibility as it is compatible with serving interest-dependent theoretical objectives.