
Are high school reunions fun?

Are high school reunions fun?

High school reunions can also be fun. It can be a time to go down “memory lane.” That is, to reminiscence about people we knew as well as our mutual history in such things as music and historical events.

Why you should have family reunions?

Family reunions can connect the next generation to their past. From kids hearing stories about the family history and trying recipes that have been passed down over the years, family reunions help kids form identities about who they are. Your children will know who they are because of their family members.

Why go to your high school reunion?

Maybe they were taken hostage or wandered foreign lands with amnesia until a fortuitously dropped coconut bonked back their memory just in time for their high school reunion. For those people, I get it. Go to your high school reunion. See all those wonderful people you loved so well, but, for some reason, have removed completely from your life.

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Would you regret not going to Your 50th high school reunion?

Being alive is the point: it’s everything. If your class decides to hold a reunion after the 50th, an even higher percentage will be gone. I didn’t particularly want to go to my 50th, but when I asked myself the question I always ask myself when I’m waffling about something, “Would you regret it if you didn’t go?” my answer was yes.

How do you deal with people you loved in high school?

For those people, I get it. Go to your high school reunion. See all those wonderful people you loved so well, but, for some reason, have removed completely from your life. But for me, for the most part, if we went to high school and I have absolutely no contact with you now, I’m like totally OK with that.

What is the 10th reunion about?

The 10th reunion is about competition left over from high school – seeing who’s still hot, who got fat, who has the better job, who is married, who has kids. High school rivalries, insecurities, and cliques are still in play.