
Why did Daenerys burn Varys?

Why did Daenerys burn Varys?

Even more importantly, she sees Varys’s willingness to spread the news about Jon — who, technically, has a better claim to the throne if he wants it — as a betrayal to her and her cause. Unwilling to let that slide, she attempts to stop the dissemination of the secret in its tracks by killing Varys.

Why did Dany burn innocents?

It initially looked like Dany heard the bells and decided she just didn’t care about anyone but herself—which would be channeling madness/egotism pretty profoundly. She took back the city by fire as if she were trying to avenge her Targaryen ancestors—and channeling their craziness, in the process.

Why did Daenerys Targaryen burn King’s landing?

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Daenerys Targaryen transformed into the Mad Queen in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones, but the reason she burned King’s Landing to the ground is because she had already lost everyone and everything dearest to her.

Is Varys really dead on ‘Game of Thrones’?

The long-time supporting character was dispatched within the first 20 minutes of the episode, but his death sadly wasn’t exactly a shocker. In Episode Four, Varys learned from Tyrion of Jon Snow’s true Targaryen birthright.

What episode does Daenerys kill the nobles in Game of Thrones?

In Episode 4, Daenerys executes over a hundred nobles from the city of Meereen, but when she learns in Episode 6 that some of them were innocent, she doesn’t seem to care. 32.) In Episode 5, Daenerys says to Jorah, “You counseled me against rashness once in Qarth.

Why did Daenerys Targaryen write a letter to Varys?

That’s likely also why he was writing that letter at the beginning of the episode — informing the rest of Westeros that Aegon Targaryen (read: our good ol’ Warden of the North, Jon Snow) is the true heir. Naturally, Dany became upset. As she warned Varys, she’d “burn him alive” if he ever betrayed her, and she was true to her word.