
What is cynicism and how do you deal with it?

What is cynicism and how do you deal with it?

Cynicism is part of a defensive posture we take to protect ourselves. It’s typically triggered when we feel hurt by or angry at something, and instead of dealing with those emotions directly, we allow them to fester and skew our outlook.

Who was the first Cynic?

The first Cynic appears to have been the Athenian philosopher Antisthenes (445-365 BCE), who had been an ardent disciple of Socrates. Then came Diogenes, the paradigm of the Cynic, who took the simple life of Socrates to such an extreme that Plato called him “a Socrates gone mad.”

What happens when you grow cynical about one thing in life?

When we grow cynical toward one thing in our lives, we may slowly start to turn on everything. During a visit with her family over the holidays, a friend of mine found herself getting increasingly frustrated with her husband.

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What are the risks of cynical attitudes?

Like an ill-fitting sweater, cynicism can be easy to slip into, yet difficult to shake off. But what are the risks of indulging in cynical attitudes? A 2009 study of more than 97,000 women showed that optimistic women had lower rates of coronary heart disease, cancer-related deaths, and mortality.

Are cynics smarter than skeptics?

Skepticism may give one a more realistic view of the world, revealing the bad in people and the likelihood of disappointment and failure. An idea that cynics might be smarter because of this, however, now seems to me pretty pompous, and I’m rather selfish for indulging in the idea.

How to know if someone is a cynical person?

Here are some of the basic signs to know if someone is a cynical person. 1. Pessimistic Thoughts Outweigh Optimism Cynical people automatically assume that any task or action they are about to take part in is going to end badly.

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Are intellects more likely to be cynical?

In fact, I would expect intellects to be less cynical. Cynics are distrusting, so it’s more likely that they distrust the opinions of others. This type of behavior is pretty unproductive and, I think, would prevent someone from expanding his or her understanding.