Tips and tricks

Why do I sneeze when I inhale cold air?

Why do I sneeze when I inhale cold air?

“We may sneeze when we breathe cold air because our nasal mucus dries up and can crack, which triggers the same response in the nerves in our nose as common irritants like dust.”

Can cold air cause rhinitis?

Cold air–induced rhinitis can occur in chronic allergic and nonallergic rhinitis and those with no nasal disease. Symptoms include rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, postnasal drainage, and nasal burning, within minutes after exposure to cold air.

Why does cold air make my nose run?

When we breathe in, our noses warm the air and add moisture to it as it travels down into our lungs. Cold, dry air irritates your nasal lining, and as a result, your nasal glands produce excess mucus to keep the lining moist. That can cause those big, heavy drops that drip from your nostrils.

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Can cold temperatures make you sneeze?

In addition, cold temperatures can trigger the lining in your nose to produce excess mucus. That also can cause an increase in sneezing during the winter.

How do you treat cold air induced rhinitis?


  1. Saline nasal sprays. Use an over-the-counter nasal saline spray or homemade saltwater solution to flush the nose of irritants and help thin the mucus and soothe the membranes in your nose.
  2. Corticosteroid nasal sprays.
  3. Antihistamine nasal sprays.
  4. Anti-drip anticholinergic nasal sprays.
  5. Decongestants.

Can cold air affect your sinuses?

Breathing cold air can trigger nasal congestion. Sometimes this is a purely physical effect. Sometimes the runny nose, congestion, and/or wheezing are a true allergic response to cold temperatures.

Can being cold make you sneeze?

Simply being cold and shivering, or even moving from one temperature zone to another, can jar the nerve. Eventually the impulses converge on the sneezing center in the brain’s lateral medulla, and when they reach a threshold, the nerves that control inhalation and explosive exhalation are recruited.

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What does frequent sneezing mean?

Sneezing is caused by irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose or throat. It can be very bothersome, but is rarely a sign of a serious problem. Sneezing can be due to: Allergy to pollen (hay fever), mold, dander, dust. Breathing in corticosteroids (from certain nose sprays)

Is rhinitis curable?

There is no cure for allergic rhinitis, but the effects of the condition can be lessened with the use of nasal sprays and antihistamine medications. A doctor may recommend immunotherapy – a treatment option that can provide long-term relief. Steps can also be taken to avoid allergens.