
How do you find your life line?

How do you find your life line?

The life line is the next prominent line on the hand. It is typically curved but may run vertically or at an angle, and may intersect the head line and/or the heart line. To find it, look for the semi-curved line that starts between the thumb and index finger and runs down toward the wrist.

How do I calculate my life line?

If the life line (LL) to heart line (HL) ratio is:

  1. 0.36 – this LL/HL ratio indicates a lifespan of 64 years years.
  2. 0.37 – this LL/HL ratio suggests a lifespan of 68 years.
  3. 0.35 – this LL/HL ratio means a lifespan of 71 years.
  4. 0.39 – this ratio suggests a lifespan of 74 years.

Which line is your life line?

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Life line: Located under heart line, goes around your thumb indicates vitality. Line of stability (also known as your Fate line): Comes up through the center of the hand, starting at the bottom of your palm and running toward your middle finger; indicates how you feel about the life you create.

Where is the lifeline on Palm?

The Lifeline. Lifeline is the line on you right palm that begins between the thumb and the index finger of the hand and encircles the mound at the base of the thumb. It may be extended downward onto the wrist.

Where is your Lifeline on your hand?

The life line on your palm is located at the far right of your hand, between the thumb and the forefinger. Once you have found this line, take a good look and really get an idea of how it looks.

Which hand is your Lifeline on?

The line of life, is the most important and controversial line on hand. This line extends from the edge of the palm above the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. This line is believed to represent the person’s vitality and vigor, physical health and general well being.

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What does your palm lines say about your love life?

You can tell you generally have a blissful love life if the line on your palm is curved, unbroken, clear, deep, not disorderly, and stretches to your forefinger. It’s even better if having two or three forks at its finish point – this indicate a responsible, good hearted partner who values friendship and is surrounded by friends.