
Can Goku beat Aang?

Can Goku beat Aang?

Goku pretty much has all the power in the universe with his Super Saiyan powers. However, if Aang manages to get close enough to Goku through a sneak attack and touch him, Aang can take away all of Goku’s energy with Energy Bending. The all wise and powerful Avatar defeats the gifted and mighty Saiyan warrior!

Can Aang beat Piccolo?

Piccolo then throws a Special Beam Cannon at Aang and defeats him. And soon defeats Piccolo.

Who would win Avatar or Goku?

Goku would obliterated aang in just a second he may have master of all four elements and stuff but one punch from goku is all it needs to take him down.

Who would win Avatar or Naruto?

1 Verdict: Naruto Sorry all you Avatar: The Last Airbender fans, but Naruto wins this fight. The raw power Naruto dishes out in the final battles of Naruto Shippuden dwarfs anything we see Aang do in Avatar: The Last Airbender.

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Who would win in a fight Godzilla or Goku?

Goku too fast for Godzilla, Godzilla too darn indestructible for Goku. Even if Goku could damage Godzilla’s indestructible skin his regeneration would be very fast and would heal in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. So nobody wins.

How powerful is Aang’s Avatar State?

Aang’s Avatar State has some immense power behind it, but not even he is guaranteed a win against some of these heroes. Naruto, the hyperactive, knucklehead ninja who proved to his village that he wasn’t defined by the actions of the monster inside him.

Who would destroy Godzilla in Dragon Ball Z?

Goku would absolutely annihilate Godzilla. Godzilla would be completely destroyed by MOST of the characters in Dragon Ball Z. Godzilla is overpowered, but those Dragon Ball Z characters are OP to the point of absolute ridiculousness.

What is the weakest version of Goku that can fight Goku?

Depends which version, but the weakest incarnations that can fight goku without dying instantly are legendary (depends if he gets better feats soon) Heisei, Super robot wars, and Composite According to Ulises, he states a few abilities and confirms my guess summary of the mountain.