
Why is Willas Tyrell not married?

Why is Willas Tyrell not married?

Because he’s the heir to Highgarden. You don’t marry off your heir to the first girl you or he likes, unless you’re Ned Stark. Certainly someone as ambitious as Mace Tyrell wasn’t about to pick one of his bannermen’s daughters for Willas – he wanted the best he could get, just as he did for his only daughter, Margaery.

What happened to Willas Tyrell?

He suffered a crippling injury to his leg in his adolescent years from a tournament accident, while he was facing Oberyn Martell in a joust; according to Oberyn, as Willas fell from the saddle, his foot got caught in his stirrup, dragging his horse down on top of him.

How good is Garlan Tyrell?

Garlan is five years older than Loras. He is an exceptionally skilled swordsman, preferring to train against three or four swordsmen, so as to better prepare himself for actual battle, but his lack of interest in gaining glory makes him less famous than Loras.

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What happened to margaery’s brother?

Renly is killed in mysterious circumstances and his Kingsguard Brienne of Tarth is blamed for his death. Margaery convinces Loras to flee the camp with her before Stannis arrives. Littlefinger accompanies them to Highgarden having gauged Margaery’s ambition to become Queen.

How was willas Tyrell crippled?

History. Willas is the eldest son of Mace Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, and Lady Alerie Hightower. Unfortunately, Willas’s foot caught in his stirrup as he fell, and he pulled his horse on top of him, crushing his leg and leaving him a cripple.

What happened to the Tyrell family?

The huge explosion wiped out most of the Tyrells, including Margaery, Loras and Lord Mace Tyrell, as well as Cersei’s uncle Kevan Lannister, the High Sparrow, and the Faith Militant. As a result, King Tommen committed suicide by throwing himself out a window, leaving Cersei on the Iron Throne.

Is Mace Tyrell’s son still unmarried?

It seems impossible that he remains unmarried at his age. As Mace Tyrell’s eldest son, he’s somewhere in his mid-twenties at least. As long as he doesn’t die, he’s going to become the next Lord of Highgarden and Lord Paramount of the Reach.

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Why do the Tyrells not want the future Lord of Highgarden to marry?

The Tyrells are very ambitious, and they doubtlessly would want the future Lord of Highgarden to marry a powerful person. The daughters of powerful banners aren’t really interesting to them – it seems they want to elevate their influence by marrying other powerful realms.

Why isn’t Willas Baratheon married?

This is the correct answer: Willas isn’t married for the same reason Theon, and Edmure, and Sweetrobin, and Quentyn, and Renly, and Robb, and Joffrey aren’t married: there’s currently a 30-heir pileup as each heir vies for the choicest picks available.

Why can’t the Tyrells use Hightowers?

They can’t use Hightowers because Willas’s mother is a Hightower. His brother Garlan has already married a Fossoway. It seems like both Mace and Doran would oppose a match between Willas and Arianne, and the Tyrells likely wouldn’t even consider Asha Greyjoy as an option. Are there no eligible daughters from among the other Tyrell bannermen?