
What made Batman become Batman?

What made Batman become Batman?

At age 14, Bruce embarked on a journey that took him to every continent as he sought to learn all the skills he would need to keep his vow. Establishing a secret headquarters in the caves beneath his mansion, Bruce became Batman, a Dark Knight to protect Gotham and its citizens from vice and villainy.

How old was Bruce Wayne when his parents died in Batman Begins?

age 8
A billionaire socialite who, after witnessing his parents’ death in a mugging at age 8, travels around the world seven years before returning home to inherit his family company Wayne Enterprises whilst operating at night as a bat-masked vigilante bringing justice upon the criminal underworld of Gotham City.

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How did Bruce Wayne become Batman?

Alfred Pennyworth always ends up raising Bruce Wayne by himself in Wayne Manor. After that, Bruce always ends up travelling the world to gain enough knowledge to get revenge for his parents. These skills prompt him into becoming Batman, defending Gotham from killing anyone else in cold blood.

How does the origin of Batman take place?

The origin of Batman depicts the events that cause a young Bruce Wayne to become Batman. The core event (the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne by Joe Chill) has remained fairly unchanged, but the aftermath and Bruce’s journey to become Batman were not detailed until later years.

What happened to Bruce Wayne in the alternate reality?

The biggest change was that Batman was no longer Bruce Wayne. In this reality, he was Thomas Wayne. It turns out in this alternate reality Bruce was the one killed while Thomas and Martha had to live with the pain of having lost their son.

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How old was Bruce Wayne when his parents died?

Bruce is brought up in Wayne Manor, and leads a happy and privileged existence until the age of eight, when his parents are killed by a small-time criminal named Joe Chill while on their way home from a movie theater. That night, Bruce Wayne swears an oath to spend his life fighting crime.