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Are there Jehovah Witnesses in Sweden?

Are there Jehovah Witnesses in Sweden?

Jehovah’s Witnesses have been in Sweden for more than 120 years. There are currently more than 22,000 active adherents and more than 34,000 attend religious services.

Are there Jehovah’s Witnesses in Denmark?

Jehovah’s Witnesses gather in Denmark for international convention | Daily Mail Online.

Are there Jehovah Witnesses in Iceland?

Where other religious institutions are concerned, one of the more interesting data points is that there are exactly 666 registered members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Iceland. At the same time, Siðmennt, the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association, claims 1,217 members.

How many Jehovah’s Witnesses are in Norway?

Around the globe, the JW counts 8.457. 107 members according to their latest annual report. Of these, 11.652 members belong to the Norwegian congregations.

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How many countries are Jehovah’s Witnesses in?

240 countries
There are almost 8.7 million Jehovah’s Witnesses in 240 countries around the globe, Hendriks said, including 1.3 million in the U.S. In the past year, 240,000 adults around the world were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses, according to the group.

Are there Jehovah’s Witnesses in Europe?

The religious association of Jehovah’s Witnesses has existed for about 150 years in Europe. How Jehovah’s Witnesses found their way in these countries has depended upon the way this missionary association was treated by the majority of the non-Witness population, the government and established churches.

What is the religion of Greenland?

The prevailing religion in Greenland is Protestantism and Greenland is an independent diocese in the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church with a bishop appointed by Denmark.

Are there Jehovah’s Witnesses in Norway?

Jehovah’s Witnesses was founded in the 1870s by Charles Taze Russel in the USA. Around the globe, the JW counts 8.457. 107 members according to their latest annual report. Of these, 11.652 members belong to the Norwegian congregations.