
Why is computer important in modern life?

Why is computer important in modern life?

The computer system is not a simple machine. It is like a very modern and highly complex calculator. It can do all the functions at a speedy rate and also helps us to search and progress in our homes and businesses. Even now in our day to day lives, computers have been allotted an integral role to play.

Why do people like computer very much?

with enough power and programming they can do anything, they are similar to us in how they work. With complex ways our brains work, a computer is the closest thing we have to it that WE make and figure more about ourselves and how everything works. Theres also the amazement in all that it an do and does do wirelessly.

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What are the 10 advantages of computer?

Advantages of Computer :

  • Multitasking Multitasking – Multitasking Multitasking is one among the main advantage of computer.
  • Speed – Now computer isn’t just a calculating device.
  • Cost/ Stores huge – Amount of knowledge it’s a coffee cost solution.
  • Accuracy –
  • Data Security –
  • Task completer –
  • Communication –
  • Productivity –

Do you think computers help society?

Do you think computers help society? Example answer: Yes, computers help society in many ways. It has made the global communication easy, fast and fair. It helps different organizations to keep their accounts updated and more authentic.

How will computers change our world in the future?

An electronic computer can analyze only one potential answer at a time. The future holds great possibilities as DNA-based computers could be used to perform parallel processing applications, DNA fingerprinting , and the decoding of strategic information such as banking, military, and communications data.

What is pros and cons in computer?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers

  • High Speed In Work. A computer is a high-speed electronic machine.
  • Mass Knowledge.
  • Storage Capability :
  • Communication.
  • Online Earning.
  • Online Learning.
  • Saves Time and Money.
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How computers have changed the world?

Using computers we are able to create a document, display it on screen, modify and print it on a printer or publish in front of the world through world wide web. Computer connected with internet has ability to publish ideas, thoughts, criticism etc, instantly across the world.

How will computers affect us in the future?

How does computers affect our daily lives?

Computers and its uses grew rapidly and widely through out the world. They are used to deal with many tasks due to their various potential. It helps to resolve problems human life encounters in daily life. The impact of computer usage on our life obviously identified as Savings of Money, Time and Effort.

What is the importance of computers in our society nowadays?

Computers are very important in our societies nowadays because, through the use of computers, one can chat with thousand of people at the same time without any difficulty. Also, it helps the assignments of students to be done at a faster rate.

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Are computers and the Internet affecting the way we entertain ourselves?

Computers and the Internet are definitely affecting the way we entertain ourselves. The most basic example is card games. If the computer can deal out cards on a screen with the click of a button, why would anyone want to deal out a deck of cards manually and have to clean them up afterwards?

What is the future role of computer in the industry?

Appear in the computer industry is very broad and also affect the development of industry in a country. Now in this era of science and technology become more advanced, the computer may take over the role of books in the store and disseminate knowledge to the public.

What are the advantages of using computers in business?

The advantages of using computers in this area, clearly it is very important in a business organization. Processing data involving savings accounts, fixed deposits, loans, investments, profitability analysis, and so on are among the organizations operating budget.