What is the difference between fast learners and slow learners?

What is the difference between fast learners and slow learners?

The other thing to remember is that fast learners can adopt a “know-it-all” state of mind and can soon become lazy. On the other hand, slow learners might be hard workers and will do whatever it takes to find the answer. Fast learners can find things too easy and cut corners with processes as well.

How do you identify advanced learners and slow learners?

The student securing marks below 40\% would be identified as Slow Learners and the student securing marks above 70 \% would be identified as Advanced Learners. After that separate list are prepared for both type of learners for further monitoring and conduction of problem solving sessions /revision sessions for them.

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How do you know if a school is slow learners?

The typical characteristics of a slow learner are found to be as follows:

  1. Learning issues. Slow learners tend to learn slower and are, in most cases, unable to retain what they learn.
  2. Social issues.
  3. Auditory issues.
  4. Visual-motor issues.
  5. Language issues.

How differently can you prepare the lesson for those who are slow learners?

One commonsense strategy for teaching slow learners is repetition: drill, drill, drill until they get it. Make sure lessons are reviewed frequently. Repeat instructions for activities, and have students repeat them back. Vary the repetition by doing it verbally sometimes and in writing sometimes.

What kind of assessment technique can be applied to slow learner?

Therefore, programmed texts and interactive compute r instruction often are effective in remediation of basic skills of slow learners. In addition, an emphasis on frequent diagnostic assessment of the student progress, paired with immediate corrective instruction, often is particularly effective.

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How do you know if you are a fast learner?

Here is how to know if you are a pretty quick learner.

  1. You are not afraid to say “I don’t know” Pretty quick learners accept that they do not know it all.
  2. You use the Pareto principle.
  3. You are able to visualize it.
  4. You simplify.
  5. You take action.
  6. You are selective.
  7. You use Parkinson’s Law.
  8. You know when to stop.

How do you tell if your child is a slow learner?

Common signs that a person may have learning disabilities include the following:

  1. Problems reading and/or writing.
  2. Problems with math.
  3. Poor memory.
  4. Problems paying attention.
  5. Trouble following directions.
  6. Clumsiness.
  7. Trouble telling time.
  8. Problems staying organized.

What is the difference between a fast learner and a slow learner?

On the other hand, slow learners might be hard workers and will do whatever it takes to find the answer. Fast learners can find things too easy and cut corners with processes as well.

How can a teacher deal with slow learners?

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There are a limitation for time period and teacher feel difficulty to complete the syllabus and when he run fast the students feel problem in learning. In a group of slow learners teachers need to maintain the speed of teaching and he has to adjust according the students. Slow learners need patience and a regular monitoring.

What is the difference between a slow and a reluctant learner?

Slow learners differ from reluctant learners. A slow learner initially wants to learn, but has a problem with the process. A reluctant learner is not motivated and can also be passive or aggressive, creating more problems for teachers and parents through non-cooperation.

How to classify students according to learning speed?

Some students can learn fast while others could not run with the teacher. So it is a good idea to classify them in different groups and students feel easy now. Students with a slow learning speed can learn with their normal speed within their groups. The group of fast learning students will be useful for fast learners.