
Why do some organisms look similar?

Why do some organisms look similar?

In a species, each cell consists of the same type of DNA and genes and has the same chromosome number. When the DNA passes to the next generation, the same morphology is retained in the new organism with little variations in features. So, individuals of a species look similar.

Why do only some organisms of the same species have similar traits?

Members of the same species share both external and internal characteristics which develop from their DNA. The closer relationship two organisms share, the more DNA they have in common, just like people and their families. In other cases, individuals may appear similar although they are not members of the same species.

How can there be so many similarities among organisms yet so many different kinds of animals?

How can there be so many similarities among organisms yet so many different kinds of plants, animals, and microorganisms? Biological evolution is supported by extensive scientific evidence ranging from the fossil record to genetic relationships among species. …

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Why might different species evolve in similar ways?

Separate groups of organisms belonging to the same species may adapt in different ways to better exploit diverse environments or resources. They also may evolve varied characteristics for attracting mates. That is, different groups evolve in different directions.

How are organisms alike and different?

Similar organisms have differences that help them adapt to their environments. Many organisms have similar body plans. The differences, such as the zebra’s stripes, show that each species adapted to its own environment after branching off from the common ancestor.

Do organisms that look similar have variation?

Within the same species, individual organisms can look very different. For all three species of butterflies, wing color and pattern varies depending on the season during which they were born.

Which organisms are more closely related?

Organisms that share similar physical features and genetic sequences tend to be more closely related than those that do not. Features that overlap both morphologically and genetically are referred to as homologous structures; the similarities stem from common evolutionary paths. For example, as shown in Figure 12.2.

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When different organisms evolve similar characteristics?

Convergent evolution is when different organisms independently evolve similar traits. For example, sharks and dolphins look relatively similar despite being entirely unrelated.

How did different species evolve?

Biologists believe that new species evolve from existing species by a process called natural selection. Organisms that inherit that favorable new gene are likely to become more abundant than others of the species. Sometimes the population of a species becomes separated into two areas, by geography or by climate.

Why organisms in different areas are different from each other?

Genetic variation within a species can result from a few different sources. Mutations, the changes in the sequences of genes in DNA, are one source of genetic variation. Genetic variation in a group of organisms enables some organisms to survive better than others in the environment in which they live.

Why are organisms of the same kind different from each other?

variation, in biology, any difference between cells, individual organisms, or groups of organisms of any species caused either by genetic differences (genotypic variation) or by the effect of environmental factors on the expression of the genetic potentials (phenotypic variation).

Why do the species of the same group look similar?

The species of same group look similar because they share about 80\% genes. Which makes them too much closer and rest 20\% genome makes it evolutionary different from each other. Being in same category they share approximately 90\% physiological traits.

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How are organisms in the same category different from each other?

Which makes them too much closer and rest 20\% genome makes it evolutionary different from each other. Being in same category they share approximately 90\% physiological traits. The organisms are classified in the classification order on the basis of the characters and heritence they have.

Are some species only distantly related to each other?

But even more surprising to biologists is that some species that were so far apart on the evolutionary tree of life that they could be considered only distantly related seemed to look almost exactly the same. For example, a primitive rodent lived both on and off Australia at the time of separation.

How can two seemingly unrelated species evolve into identical forms?

How can two seemingly unrelated species that live in isolation from each other evolve into identical forms? Flying squirrels evolved from a primitive rodent. They share the same basic characteristics with the flying phalanger. About 60 million years ago, Australia became fully separated from the other continents by the movement of tectonic plates.