
Is it normal to be attracted to someone other than your partner?

Is it normal to be attracted to someone other than your partner?

In one study published in Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, almost 70\% of participants said they’d experienced some kind of attraction toward someone other than their partner while in a long-term relationship. The re s earchers noted that even in happy, committed, monogamous relationships, attraction to others was normal.

Why are women more attracted to people outside of relationships?

Interestingly, several studies suggest that when women are at their most fertile (just before they ovulate), they’re more likely to be attracted to people outside their relationship. This tendency could also have its roots in our evolutionary history.

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Does finding someone attractive mean they’re more suited to you?

With all this in mind, it’s important to remember: finding someone attractive doesn’t mean they’re more suited to you than your current partner overall. Based on genetic compatibility alone, you might feel a strong pull toward someone whose values completely clash with yours! Obviously, a relationship with that person probably wouldn’t last.

Is it normal to notice other people’s looks while in a relationship?

Hence, even while in a relationship, you still recognize other people’s appealing features and characteristics (just as you did before you got with your partner). In fact, “anything can make us suddenly notice someone,” says Ammanda Major, a senior consultant on sex therapy at Relate.

Is it normal to be attracted to your own self?

“It can be normal to be attracted to yourself, but it’s quite a feat in a world that teaches us that we’re not good enough and profits from these messages,” she adds. Not only that, but Dr. Jess tells Elite Daily that she believes we’re all autosexual to a degree.

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Is it normal to date someone a year older than you?

It’s pretty common to date someone who’s a few years younger or older than you, and often the age difference is no big deal. Sometimes, maturity levels match, even when ages don’t. But when the age difference is bigger, there are other things to consider.

Are autosexuals only attracted to themselves?

For Vitale and others who identify as autosexual, being attracted to oneself doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t feel sexual desire for other partners. “The amount of fantasizing I do about myself versus other people is equal at the moment,” she explains. “However, there are many times when I fantasize about myself more than other people.