
What can I say to a girl to change her mind?

What can I say to a girl to change her mind?

Say something nice before you try to persuade her.

  1. Giving compliments also shows that you’re not completely wrapped up in yourself. If she thinks you’re rude, saying nice things might be enough to change her mind.
  2. For example, you might say, “Your earrings are beautiful. You always look really put together.”

How do you convince a girl that she is beautiful?

Pick something you know she’ll love, or ask for help from a friend if you don’t feel confident doing it. Buying her something pretty will help her to feel more beautiful, and it will show you appreciate her beauty. Have a photo shoot. Tell her to get dressed up in something nice, and go take photos.

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Why do I want to make love to her?

To have a sense of power and control over someone. To avoid facing feelings of loneliness and aloneness, or other painful feelings. To get held and get the affection that you want. Feeling filled with love and wanting to express it physically to the person you love.

Can I Make my Girlfriend change her mind about me?

You may even be thinking, “Well, if she says we’re just friends, there’s probably no way to make her change how she feels about me.” Yet, there is. You really can make her change her mind and see you as the guy that she wants to be in a sexual, romantic relationship with.

How to make a woman change her mind about breaking up?

From there, you just need to guide her through the rest of the ex back process. Making a woman change her mind about breaking up is usually very easy when you simply focus on changing how she feels when she interacts with you, rather than trying to convince her with reasoning and logic.

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How do you make a girl feel good about herself?

Make her laugh. Humor is a really effective way to connect with a woman. It shows her that you’re smart, but you don’t take yourself too seriously. Being funny is really helpful if she thinks you have a high opinion of yourself or that you don’t relate well to others.

What happens when a girl says she’s Over You?

All of sudden, her mind will begin to change as she looks at the new, improved you in a more positive light and realizes that she does have feelings for you and was wrong to say that she was over you and didn’t want to take you back.