Tips and tricks

What can I do to get started as a firefighter?

What can I do to get started as a firefighter?

Firefighter Requirements

  1. 18 years or older.
  2. Matric (Mathematics and Physical Science an advantage)
  3. Physically and mentally fit (evaluations will be conducted)
  4. Must not be claustrophobic (have a fear of enclosed spaces)
  5. Must not be acrophobic (have a fear of heights)
  6. High level of discipline.
  7. Ability to work in a team.

Why Firefighting is the best job?

Serving as a firefighter is a very rewarding career and career path. The main reason why being a firefighter is such a rewarding career path is because you get to help people and you get to save lives. But, there are so many rewards to being a firefighter.

Are welders happy?

Welders are about average in terms of happiness. At CareerExplorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, welders rate their career happiness 3.1 out of 5 stars which puts them in the bottom 44\% of careers.

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Are firefighters well respected?

Yet firefighters remain highly respected to this day, and not only in the USA. They help us out in emergencies, save lives and care for others: In nearly all of the countries surveyed, firefighters and medical professions such as paramedics, doctors and nurses are awarded the best scores.

Is firefighting a physically strenuous job?

Firefighting can be a physically strenuous and difficult job that requires a certain level of fitness and abilities. However, there are people who do amazing things that have disabilities!

Can I become a firefighter as a volunteer EMT?

If you can take full EMT training while you work as a volunteer, you’ll have even stronger credentials then it’s time to apply for firefighter status. It’s a great time to clean up any academic deficiencies if they might hamper your efforts to attend firefighting training or fire school.

Why do we need to understand the differences between firefighters?

And understanding our firefighters — their similarities and differences — will enable us as company officers to better motivate them to be more productive. Understanding motivation can help us understand why our firefighters do what they do.

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Can I become a firefighter if I have disabilities?

While some disabilities will prevent you from becoming a firefighter, many others will not affect your ability to get hired. It all comes down to your ability to safely and efficiently perform all the essential job tasks of a firefighter. Each department will make its own hiring decisions.