
Which is better Marvel or DC and why?

Which is better Marvel or DC and why?

While both comics publishers present a make-believe universe, Marvel brings more realism to a fantasy world. In addition, marvel takes more risks, so they come out with highly unique movies such as Guardians of the Galaxy. However, DC is better at giving their characters depth and backstories (ex. Batman).

What is better DC or Marvel?

To put it simply, Marvel just has a way better image than DC. Even their worst movies are better than Batman vs Superman. Side 1: To say that Marvel has the most recognizable characters is a bit simplistic. In this area, DC has done much better for far longer than Marvel has.

Why is DC the best?

Washington, DC, is rich in history and culture. It is one of the most culturally diverse places in the US. With people from all ethnic backgrounds, religion, nationalities, and races, it’s a great place to stay. Highly inspired by the long African-American history, DC is an ideal place for entertainment and tourism.

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Who is the best hero in DC?

10 Best DC Comics Heroes Of All Time, According To Ranker

  • Aquaman.
  • Martian Manhunter.
  • Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
  • Wonder Woman.
  • Flash (Barry Allen)
  • Nightwing.
  • Superman.
  • Batman. Unsurprisingly, the Dark Knight himself endures as DC’s most loved superhero.

What does retcon mean in comics?

And smashing the fourth wall to smithereens while they’re at it. “Comic book fans will be familiar with the term ‘retcon’, which in layman’s terms means that the writer waves his hand and tells you ‘Remember when we said this? We screwed up, forget about that.'”

What is a genuine Marvel Comics no-prize?

In Marvel Comics, the person who pointed out the problem and at the same time provided a plausible explanation was awarded a Genuine Marvel Comics No-Prize by editor Stan Lee, a tradition that was kept alive by other editors after he became publisher.

What is the difference between a revision and a retcon?

Revision: A continuity alteration that doesn’t directly contradict any previous material. Rewrite: A retcon that openly overwrites the facts of the previous continuity. Orwellian Retcon: The prior events that contradict the new continuity get rewritten. Cosmic Retcon: An in-story event alters reality, which causes a retcon.

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How do you get away with retcons?

A good way to get away with a retcon is to reveal new implications or motivations for events that have already been established. Smoother retcons won’t be distinguishable as such, and can even make what was initially an Ass Pull later look like everything was Just as Planned.