
What should I ask in Ask me anything?

What should I ask in Ask me anything?

Break the ice and get to know people better by selecting several of these get-to-know-you questions.

  • Who is your hero?
  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • What is your favorite family vacation?
  • What would you change about yourself if you could?
  • What really makes you angry?

What should I ask to a girl?

30 Questions to Ask a Girl to Get to Know Her Better

  • What’s your name?
  • What do you do for work?
  • What is your dream job?
  • When is your birthday?
  • How do you celebrate your birthday?
  • Have you ever broken any bones?
  • Is there a book you could read numerous times without ever growing tired of it?

What do I ask a guy?

– Questions to ask a guy

  • What are your personal goals?
  • What kind of childhood did you have?
  • What makes you insecure?
  • What do you expect from a love relationship?
  • What’s the one thing you can’t tolerate?
  • What do you find attractive in a woman?
  • What expectations do you have of yourself?
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What is the best if questions?

What If Questions Game

  • What if (a famous novelist) had been a play writer instead?
  • What if we could only talk in rhymes and meter?
  • What if you could live anywhere in the world?
  • What if you found out your house was infested with snakes?
  • What if you had a money tree growing in your backyard?

What’s a playful question?

What’s the strangest nickname you’ve ever been given and how did you earn it? What’s the most awkward thing that’s ever happened to you on a date? What’s the worst thing your parents have ever caught you doing? What was your first-ever email address or screen name?

What should I ask a guy I like?

Try these questions to ask a guy you like…

  • How would you describe yourself in five words?
  • How would you describe your perfect girl in five words?
  • What’s the one accomplishment you’re most proud of?
  • What’s your biggest pet peeve?
  • What were your childhood nicknames?
  • What never fails to make you laugh?
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What are some I wonder questions?

– I wonder what little things we can do to make God happy? – I wonder what our loved ones would think of us looking down from heaven? – I wonder what I would ask Jesus if I met him today? – I wonder how is Jesus presence recognised today?

What are the best questions to ask?

1. Where do you like to go when you eat out? Food is always a fun conversation topic,and you might even learn about some local eateries you weren’t

  • 2. Do you like to cook?
  • 3. Could you live without the internet?
  • 4. Most memorable birthday?
  • 5. What would your perfect day be like?
  • What makes a good question?

    Relevant. A good question is relevant. It focuses on recall of only the material covered in your lesson and aligns well with the overall learning objectives.

  • Clear. A good question is framed in a clear,easily understandable language,without any vagueness.
  • Concise. A good question is usually crisp and concise. It omits any unnecessary information that requires students to spend time understanding it correctly.
  • Purposeful. A question without a definite purpose has no value. The purpose helps evaluate the question against some set benchmarks.
  • Guiding But Not Leading. A good question guides the learners towards understanding the concept in the picture. But at the same time,it doesn’t lead them to specific answers.
  • Stimulates Thinking. A good question requires learners to think through and recall the concepts taught. It doesn’t patronize them by asking the obvious.
  • Single-Dimensional. Remember,one question is one question. And hence,a good question focuses on one dimension at a time.
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    What are good questions to ask your best friend?

    – I have one hour to spend $5,000. Where would I go? – When we’re 85 years old, what will be doing together? – If we’d met earlier, what would our relationship have been like then?

    What would you rather questions?

    100 Would You Rather Questions Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great grandchildren? Would you rather have more time or more money? Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life? Would you rather be able to