
Can you sue someone for making a mistake?

Can you sue someone for making a mistake?

Written defamation is called “libel,” while spoken defamation is called “slander.” Defamation is not a crime, but it is a “tort” (a civil wrong, rather than a criminal wrong). A person who has been defamed can sue the person who did the defaming for damages.

Can you sue a company for not sending your order?

The simple answer to your question is Yes, you can sue. If your payment was for under $7500 then you can bring your claim in small claims court. You should contact the county judicial clerk’s office to get the information needed for initiating a small claims action.

Can you sue someone for giving you roaches?

Note, the restitution in this case would be to pay for extermination and possibly an injunction on the action(s) you are claiming brought the roaches. That’s it. This isn’t a multi-million dollar case. The general rule in the US is that anyone can sue anyone for anything…the courts largely allow unrestricted access.

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How much can you sue for slander?

A judge or jury can award a victorious defamation plaintiff millions for really bad cases, or $1 in compensatory damages if they find that the injury was nominal. However, usually, nominal damages will not be awarded unless the plaintiff’s case is incredibly petty, or punitive damages can also be awarded.

Can you sue someone for a case you assume you have?

In some cases, you might not be able to sue someone for the type of case you assume you have, but there are other ways you can fix the situation. You might settle with them outside of court and in return, you agree not to bring a lawsuit.

What happens if you sue someone from another state?

If you are suing someone from a different state, a court in your state may not have power or “jurisdiction” over that person. In that case, you might have to sue the defendant in his or her location, which will probably be more expensive and inconvenient for you. 9. Is Your Claim Small Enough to Bring in “Small Claims” or “Conciliation” Court?

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Can I Sue my Lawyer for not representing me in court?

Yes, you can. However, you would have to prove that your lawyer did so without your authorization because the settlement was far less than what you were truly owed and didn’t effectively represent your case or that the lack of communication was systematic.

Should I sue or reduce the amount I am asking for?

If the dollar amount you asked for is an issue, you may want to think about reducing the amount you are asking for. From a purely practical point of view, you may receive more money that way than you would by suing, because you will have to pay attorneys’ fees and other costs in connection with a lawsuit.