
What is the max Discord server member limit?

What is the max Discord server member limit?

A single server can have up to 500,000 members, although if more than 25,000 are online simultaneously the owner must contact Discord support for more server space to avoid connection errors. The maximum number of categories for a server is 50 and the maximum number of channels in total is 500.

Can Discord members have multiple roles?

To put it simply: Members of a server inherit the permissions of the combined roles assigned to them. Each user in this list has a different highest role.

How do you increase your limit on Discord?

You can follow these steps to submit your request for the server member cap increase successfully:

  1. Head to the support portal of Discord and click on Submit Request option in the upper right corner.
  2. Now, the submission process will begin.
  3. A couple of new text fields will pop up to get filled by you.
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What is MrBeast gaming Discord?

The MrBeast Gaming Discord server is an official Discord server from MrBeast and his crew., the former link of that server, now serves as a general MrBeast server with chatting channels included, with that server also being official.

Can there be more than one mod in a discord server?

At the top point you would have your server admin, below that you could branch off and create multiple roles that can only be assigned by that admin. Now each of these two new roles can create their own roles underneath them without them being able to mess with the other ones roles or permissions for those roles.

How many rooms can a Discord server have?

Conversation. The max number of channels per server is 500!

What is the word limit on Discord?

If you use Discord then you know that when posting a message it has a 2000 character limit.

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Does LazarBeam have a discord?

Join the Official LazarBeam Discord Server!

How many roles can you have on a Discord server?

Discord has a max of 250 roles per server. Members can also have all 250 roles in a server if given to them. But, after adding about 25+ roles it gets very hard to see the list of roles the member includes. You can customize your Discord server to automate parts of the moderation process.

Why does discord have a server member cap?

In order to support this goal, we have server member caps to help ensure that Discord users have a great experience, and that server owners and their moderator teams are receiving the support they need to foster healthy communities.

What are Discordia’s server limits?

Here is a list of server limits, according to Discordia’s Server Limits. A user cannot be on more than 100 servers. Once this limit is hit, any server invite will display as “Invite Expired”. Normally servers have a member limit of 250,000 members. However, some partnered and verified servers can get this limit raised to 500,000.

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Is your Discord server supported properly?

As Discord communities grow, it is important that the server is supported properly by moderation teams and are providing safe environments for their community.