Tips and tricks

Can parents force their kids to be vegan?

Can parents force their kids to be vegan?

Currently there are no laws that make it illegal to put children on a vegan diet, but it is possible to prosecute parents for child neglect based on malnutrition.

Is it bad to be a vegan as a teenager?

First, some reassurance: Vegan diets can be perfectly safe and healthy for kids. In fact, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says that vegan (and vegetarian) diets are appropriate for all stages of life—as long as they’re well-planned. A well-planned vegan diet isn’t about just nixing all animal foods.

How do I talk to my kids about being vegan?

Always tell them the truth. There is always a simple and gentle way of explaining the truth, and children are never too young to hear it. Give them the facts, without judgment, and they will tell you that the way humans treat animals is wrong.

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Can vegans be with non vegans?

If your partner shows no desire to ever go vegan, the key to a happy relationship will be respect. While not being vegan is a deal-breaker for some, it’s not for others. And that’s probably a good thing, meaning that we can expand awareness and understanding of veganism wider than if we only dated vegans.

Should you be “as vegan as possible”?

If you aren’t fully vegan yet and get invited from non-vegan family for dinner, you can decide to be “as vegan as possible” in these situations for now. Control your food whenever you can easily control it before you’ve gained the confidence to ask others to provide vegan food for you!

How do you deal with non-vegan family members who aren’t vegan?

Let each non-vegan family member add their favorite toppings like cheese on your vegan pasta or whatever else they don’t feel okay with you replacing. If you’re a child or teenager with non-vegan parents, let them know that you’re happy to help out with cooking or shopping for food!

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Can you thank someone for preparing vegan food?

Whenever someone made an effort to prepare vegan food for you but forgot that vegans don’t eat eggs, you can still thank them and eat the meal. Whenever someone at a restaurant messes up your order and sprinkles parmesan on your pasta, you can still eat the meal if you want and don’t stress out about it!

How can I get more confidence to be a vegan?

When you get behind all of this and grow a knowledge base, you can easily refute their arguments with actual science and proof. You’ll get more confidence, motivation to eat a healthy vegan diet and you’re prepared for any half-baked statement coming your way. Check out our favorite vegan books and documentaries below!