
Are IAS officers allowed to drink alcohol?

Are IAS officers allowed to drink alcohol?

The changed rules apply to IAS, IPS or other officials on deputation to the Centre, any other state, or outside the country. The changes stipulate that government employees will have to adhere to the ban on consumption of intoxicants in any area they might be present at any point of time.

Can an IAS officer carry gun anywhere?

To summarise, there are no guns entitled to IAS Officers by the government. However, they can get their own licensed guns like any other Indian citizen if they wish to. Hence, IAS Officers can keep their personal guns but not use them on duty, neither do they need to do so under any circumstances.

Do we need laptop in LBSNAA?

The Academy does not provide laptops to Officer Trainees. However, for those who may not want to purchase laptops, a few computers have been placed in common areas such as Lounges and Library for use by Officer Trainees.

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Can you drink alcohol in the military?

Nonetheless, there are other strict rules that military officers must obey if they are going to consume alcohol. In 2012, the Marine Corps’ limit for on-duty drinking standards were significantly lowered. In fact, one alcoholic beverage could cause a marine to land in hot water with his or her commander.

Should the legal drinking age change for military officers?

While the drinking age can change for military officers when located in other countries, several senators have voted to lower the legal drinking age for military personnel all together. However, the legal drinking age is unlikely to change anytime soon.

How strict are the alcohol laws in the Marine Corps?

The laws are so incredibly strict, and the punishment only increases with the amount of alcohol detected in a marine’s system. The Marine Corps are not the only branch of the military that has set strict alcohol laws over the years. In fact, the Navy, Air Force, and Army do not allow an alcohol reading of 0.05.

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Do military officers get breathalyzer tests?

Not only are the alcohol limits ridiculously low for military officers, but all soldiers can be subjected to random breathalyzer tests. Some branches of the military even require commanders to administer mandatory breathalyzer tests daily.