
Is Jesus a good guy in TWD?

Is Jesus a good guy in TWD?

The Weekly Crisis listed Jesus as #10 in their list of The Ten Best Characters in The Walking Dead, saying: “Being nicknamed after the Son of God seems like an exaggeration, but Jesus has shown time and time again that he is a good, trusting man who just wants what’s best for everyone.

Is Jesus bad in TWD?

Ultimately, he is a good guy. Trustworthy, but very similar to Rick. If it comes to his loyalties, he will protect his group first.

How are the saviors defeated?

As Rick’s group engage in gun battle, Gabriel and Dwight overpower their captors and force Negan to flee with his baseball bat—”Lucille”. In the ensuing shootout, many of the Saviors are killed while the rest willingly put down their weapons and surrender.

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What happened hilltop TWD?

During the Whisperer War, the Hilltop was forced to be abandoned after the Whisperers shot a volley of fire arrows into the Hilltop’s walls, setting the community ablaze and damaging the buildings beyond repair.

Does Thomas Payne know martial arts?

“I’ve been learning some high kicking and other martial arts stuff because that’s the basis of the character,” Payne said. “I have a new appreciation for how fit martial artists are. There is so much energy being exerted when you fight.”

What is the name of Jesus in The Walking Dead?

Paul “Jesus”. Monroe (known as Paul “Jesus” Rovia in the television series) is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead, as well as the television series of the same name, where he is portrayed by Tom Payne. Jesus serves as the ambassador for The Hilltop and frequently searches for new recruits.

Why did Jesus and Tara fight in The Walking Dead?

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Jesus tells Tara that it is her love for Denise which gives her a reason to fight. When gunfire breaks out, Jesus and Tara both urge Andy and Craig to leave, to ensure The Hilltop is not connected to the attack on the Saviors, though Jesus dons his mask and rushes in with confidence that the Saviors will never see him.

What happened to Paul from The Walking Dead?

Paul is introduced spying on the Alexandria Safe-Zone community shortly following the horde invasion. Paul is later attacked by Michonne and Abraham Ford where he easily immobilizes them. After insisting on meeting Rick Grimes, he is knocked out and tied up. After the interrogations, Rick eventually decides to let Paul take him to Hilltop.

Who plays Paul Rovia on The Walking Dead?

Two years after Negan’s incarceration, Jesus acts as Maggie ‘s second-in-command at the Hilltop, while still making periodic visits to Alexandria. In July 2014, Robert Kirkman confirmed that Jesus would recur in future seasons of the show. Tom Payne was cast as Paul Rovia in September 2015.

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