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What was the impact of the Japanese invasion of China?

What was the impact of the Japanese invasion of China?

The eight-year Japanese invasion resulted in tremendous losses sustained by the Chinese people. Official Chinese statistics put China’s civilian and military casualties at 20 million dead and 15 million wounded during the 1937–45 period.

What happened after Japan invaded China in 1937?

After fierce fighting, the Chinese armies were driven out of the Shanghai area by the middle of November 1937. Nanking (Nanjing), the Nationalist capital, fell in mid-December 1937, and the liquidation of that city and its inhabitants became known as the Nanjing Massacre.

Was the Japanese invasion of China successful?

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Following the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Japanese scored major victories, capturing Beijing, Shanghai and the Chinese capital of Nanjing in 1937, which resulted in the Rape of Nanjing.

What are the effects of the Japanese invasion?

The social impact of the Japanese occupation of Malaya, lead to a more distant relationship between local races. Japanese military given a different treatment for Malays and Indians and for Chinese they treated unfairly. Malay people have been appointed as Japanese secret police especially ” Kempeitai”.

What is so important about Nanking?

Once one of China’s most prosperous cities and industrial centers, Nanking took decades to recover from the devastation it experienced. Abandoned as the national capital in 1949 for Beijing, it grew into a modern industrial city during the communist period and today is home to many of China’s largest state-owned firms.

Why was Japan a threat to world peace by 1937?

Why, by 1937, was Japan a threat to world peace? Japan took over provinces in north China between 1933 and 1936. Japan refused. to obey the League of Nations and left.

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How did the Mukden incident affect China?

The Imperial Japanese Army accused Chinese dissidents of the act and responded with a full invasion that led to the occupation of Manchuria, in which Japan established its puppet state of Manchukuo six months later.

What would happen if Japan conquered China?

Japan could conquer the whole East Asia and commence a direct war on the USA. The defeat of China would be a never ending nightmare to the world. The Japanese could establish the Greater East Asia Coprosperity Sphere and drove the Americans away from the Pacific.

What is the significance of the Second Sino-Japanese War?

The Persistence of Conflict: China’s War with Japan and Its Impact, Memory, and Legacy, 1931 to the Present. The Second World War in China was the single most wrenching event in modern Chinese history. The conflict is often termed the second Sino-Japanese War, and known in China as the War of Resistance to Japan.

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Why was it so difficult to defend Japan in WW2?

Japan as an island country was difficult to defend from the Allies but with a huge supportive base in China, the Allies would be almost impossible to win. Japan could conquer the whole East Asia and commence a direct war on the USA. The defeat of China would be a never ending nightmare to the world.

Why is the American effort in WW2 often forgotten in China?

The American effort is often forgotten in China too. Following the end of the war, civil war broke out, and with the victory of the Communists all mention of American cooperation was stricken from the record. China was the first country to enter what would become World War II.