
What is an European person?

What is an European person?

English Language Learners Definition of European : a person born, raised, or living in Europe also : a native or resident of the continent of Europe rather than Britain. : a person who is descended from Europeans.

What is considered to be European?

Europe can be divided into seven geographic regions: Scandinavia (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark); the British Isles (the United Kingdom and Ireland); W Europe (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Monaco); S Europe (Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Malta, San Marino, and Vatican City); …

What is the culture like in Europe?

The culture of Europe is rooted in its art, architecture, film, different types of music, economics, literature, and philosophy. European culture is largely rooted in what is often referred to as its “common cultural heritage”.

Are European people healthy?

Key findings. The latest report reveals: In the European Region, people live on average more than one year longer when compared to five years ago. However, there is still over a decade of difference (11.5 years) between countries with the highest and lowest life expectancy.

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Are French considered European?

Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom are member states of the European Union, and both Norway and Switzerland are key partners to the European Union.

What makes Europe special?

Europe is the second-smallest continent. Europe’s rich agricultural and industrial diversity has made the continent a center of trade and commerce for centuries. It is centrally located between the two other “Old World” continents, Africa and Asia.

What are the boundaries of Europe?

Europe stretches from tundra in the north to Mediterranean and desert climes in the south. It abuts Asia in the east, shares the Atlantic with the Americas, and the Mediterranean with Africa and the Middle East. The air it shares with the globe. The exact boundaries of what constitutes Europe is a controversial matter.

What language do Europeans speak?

English is still the most spoken language in the EU by far, with German now spoken by 36\% of citizens and French spoken by 29\% of the EU’s new smaller population of 446 million people. Italian comes fourth at 18\%, followed by 17\% for Spanish.

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What is the leading cause of death in Europe?

The main causes of death in EU countries are circulatory diseases and various types of cancer, followed by respiratory diseases and external causes of death. Circulatory diseases continue to be the leading cause of death across the EU, accounting for about 1.7 million deaths in 2017 or 37\% of all deaths.

What is Europe’s average age?

In 2019, the median age of the EU-27 population was 43.7 years (see Figure 6). Across the EU Member States, the median age was below 40.0 years in Luxembourg (39.5 years), Cyprus and Ireland (where the lowest median ages were recorded, both 37.7 years).

How can I Make my Life in Europe more interesting?

Try walking more in your everyday life. Walk to the store to pick up a few things or walk to a local restaurant for dinner. Europeans also tend to go for evening strolls. There is rarely a night that you don’t see people strolling through the streets of Venice or through the parks in France.

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How to feel more European when traveling around Europe?

Germany has the Bahn, Italy has the Metropolitan, and Paris has the Métro, which locals take around these cities everyday. Instead of taking your car to work, figure out the bus routes that go between your house and work. You can also take a metro train. This will make you feel more European and save you money in the process.

What does it mean to be ‘European’?

‘To be European means confronting the past’: a scene from Michael Haneke’s The White Ribbon. Photograph: Allstar/Artificial Eye/Sportsphoto Ltd ‘To be European means confronting the past’: a scene from Michael Haneke’s The White Ribbon.

How can I travel around Europe for cheap?

You can also take a metro train. This will make you feel more European and save you money in the process. One of the most multi-functional public transit systems is in London, which has Transport for London (TfL), an extensive network of buses, underground and overground trains, ferries, and trams that run all hours of the day.