
Why is The Alchemist such a great book?

Why is The Alchemist such a great book?

The Alchemist has become a popular book for many reasons. It gives you an insight of how life can be in different perspectives. At the same time it tells you how important your dreams are or can be and tells you to follow your dreams. It advices you to live your dreams.

Is The Alchemist an easy read?

Despite its meaningful content, “The Alchemist” is a very quick and easy read. Through Santiago’s journey to treasure and love and travel, Coelho encourages readers to not only discover their own dreams for their lives, but also to never give up pursuing them.

What is the book The Alchemist about?

The Alchemist is the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist.

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Is The Alchemist a easy read?

Is The Alchemist a popular book?

Since its original release in Brazil, The Alchemist has sold more than 65 million copies, making it one of the most popular books of all time.

What lessons does The Alchemist teach Santiago?

The alchemist explains that the heart never stays silent, so Santiago must come to terms with it. In other words, Santiago must learn to separate himself from the desires of his heart. Only by paying attention to his heart and understanding its “dodges and tricks” can Santiago tame it and turn it into an ally.

Is Alchemist a good book for teens?

However, The Alchemist also supplies insight and inspiration that extends beyond Santiago’s Sahara and into all lives, whether young, old, or teenage. The Alchemist may not be your regular YA fiction book, but it most definitely still deserves a place on your bookshelf!

Why is the alchemist book so popular?

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The Alchemist book is very popular because of one fact that it deals with how to achieve the share of fortune of your life that is kept in store by the God. The book talks about chasing dreams, personal legends, and The Soul of the World.

What is the power of the alchemist?

Compelling, interesting and full of hope and positivity, The Alchemist is a bedrock of inspiration that instills a strong sense of faith in yourself. Such is the power of this book that you will want to read it again and again. Paulo Coelho has an uncanny knack to soothe your soul and boost your morale.

Why is the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho so popular?

THE ALCHEMIST ( A Fable About Following Your Dream) by PAULO COELHO is a very popular book because of many reasons. Here are a few reasons (according to me) which makes this book so special. It begins with the life of a Shepherd boy named Santiago with his sheeps.

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What is the Allegory of the alchemist?

The Alchemist is an allegory throughout, layered with so many intricate concepts that one simply forgets to count. All of us have a passion within us, something that most people are quick to hide from the eyes of the world, either due to fear of failure or the fear of being laughed at.