Tips and tricks

What kind of clothing is a saree?

What kind of clothing is a saree?

A sari (also known as a saree or a shari) is a type of clothing for women. It is mostly used as a daily clothing in modern Republic of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka as well as formal clothing in Pakistan. It is a very long strip of cloth. Women wrap it around their body.

What is a sari and why are they worn?

The textile is a symbolic rite of passage for young Hindu girls, who wear a sari or half-length sari for a Ritu Kala Samskara coming-of-age ceremony. The garment has even been wielded as a political prop.

What does a saree mean to US?

A saree makes a woman look elegant, gorgeous and stylish. Usually 3.5 to 9 yards in length, saree can be worn in different ways that define its versatility and beauty. It is an outfit that can be worn on almost all occasions. The way it is draped in the West is different from the way it is worn in the East or the North.

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Is it spelled Sari or saree?

Sari, also spelled saree, principal outer garment of women of the Indian subcontinent , consisting of a piece of often brightly coloured, frequently embroidered, silk, cotton, or, in recent years, synthetic cloth five to seven yards long. It is worn wrapped around the body with the end left hanging or used over the head as a hood.

How to wear a sari?

Start wearing the sari by tucking its upper end into the petticoat, at a position that is a little bit to the right of the navel. Make sure that the lower end of the sari should be touching the floor, and that the whole length of the sari comes on the left-hand side. Next, wrap the sari around yourself once, ending in the front on your right side.

How to wrap a saree?

Start wearing the sari by tucking its upper end into the petticoat,at a position that is a little bit to the right of the navel.

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  • Make about five to seven pleats,each about 5 inches long,starting at the tucked-in end.
  • Neatly tuck the pleats into the petticoat at the waist,slightly to the left of the navel,in such a manner that they open to your left.
  • Drape the remaining fabric around yourself once more,left to right. Bring it around your hips to the front,holding the top edge of the sari.
  • Slightly raise the remaining portion of the sari on your back,bringing it up under the right arm and over the left shoulder so that the end of it
  • Different regions of India have their own distinct forms of draping a sari.