
What steps should be taken by the Indian farmers to improve agricultural yield?

What steps should be taken by the Indian farmers to improve agricultural yield?

  1. Land reforms.
  2. Tenancy reforms.
  3. Regulation of higher rents.
  4. Provision of credit to rural farmers.
  5. Subsidies e.g Urea subsidy.
  6. Food security act 2013.
  7. Public distribution system.
  8. Minimum support price and Procurement pricing system.

How can agricultural yields be improved?

There are a number of factors which are likely to have contributed to sustained yield gains: fertilizer application, irrigation, increased soil tillage, and improved farming practices.

How can Indian farmers improve the production?

Six Main Strategies to Improve the Agriculture Productivity in…

  1. Soil Health Enhancement:
  2. Irrigation Water Supply Augmentation and Management:
  3. Credit and Insurance:
  4. Technology:
  5. Market:
  6. Regionally Differentiated Strategy:
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How can Indian farmers improve the production class 10?

(i) Land reforms: Collectivisation, consolidation of holdings, cooperation and abolition of zamindari. (ii) Agricultural reforms: Green revolution and White revolution. (v) Special weather bulletins and agricultural programmes for farmers on radio and TV.

What is improving crop yield?

Improvement in crop yield is achieved by various practices involved in farming and they are divided into three stages: Crop variety improvement where right seeds are chosen for planting through breeding, hybridization; Crop production improvement, in this step crop plants are cultivated.

What are the improvement of agriculture?

Beyond improved seeds and crop protection tools, other technologies enable farmers to increase their productivity, such as modern irrigation practices, crop management products, mobile technology, fertilizer and mechanization management and softwares, like Agrivi, for managing their farms.

What can be done to increase agricultural production class 10?

5 Key Measures to Improve Farming Productivity

  • Smart water management. Using of drop by drop or sprinkler irrigation systems you can increase crop yields up to 50 percent.
  • Varieties selection.
  • Conservation tillage.
  • Nitrogen.
  • Farm management software.
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What are the method of improving crop yield?

Through the use of fertilizer, the soil will be in the best of conditions and such will ensure that crops planted can yield much better product. Fertilizing should be carried out at during seedling. This will help to provide crops with nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and many others.

How will you improve the crop yield and quality of the crop?

By improving the crop variety through cross-breeding and hybridization, the crop yield can be increased. The crop becomes resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses. For short-duration crops, the early maturing varieties can fit the crop into multiple cropping varieties.

How can you increase crop yield naturally?

15 Ways to Increase Corn Crop Yield

  1. Plant at the Optimal Times. One extremely vital way to increase your crop yield is to plant at the optimal times.
  2. Practice Crop Rotation.
  3. Know the Yield Potential.
  4. Always Scout Your Fields.
  5. Utilize Fertilizers.
  6. Test Your Soil.
  7. Use Herbicides to Tackle Weeds.
  8. Quality of Seed.