
Is parents kissing their kids on the lips weird?

Is parents kissing their kids on the lips weird?

It’s cultural and family-based Khetarpal added that if you grew up kissing your parents on the lips this would be very normal for you, but if you didn’t then it might seem unusual. For instance, it’s very normal for adults and children to kiss on the lips and cheeks in European countries.

What age are kids allowed to kiss?

Around ages 12-15, people often start having their first kiss. Don’t feel pressured by other people your age kissing people, and don’t rush into kissing someone if you are apprehensive. You’ll know intuitively when the time feels right.

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Is it OK to kiss your child on the mouth?

Doctors say, children must feel loved and safe in the family environment. But kissing on the lips is not the best idea to express parental love.

When is it OK to kiss your child on the mouth?

“As a child gets to four or five or six and their sexual awareness develops, the kiss on the lips can be stimulating to them.” The sight of parents kissing their children on the mouth certainly seems to make others feel awkward, especially when the child is a teenager or adult.

How old should a child be able to French Kiss?

And if they try to open mouth kiss you, unless they are nine months old and super adorable, don’t let them. Even baby Levi isn’t allowed to French kiss mama now that he is 1 year old, even though he is extremely handsome wandsome and the most adorable baby in the world, see Exhibit A.

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How do you kiss your kids on the Mounth?

If you want to give your kid(s) a kiss on the mounth, i would keep it at the corner of there mouth instead of right on. Another thing to consider that your kid(s) may think it’s ok to kiss everyone else that way and someone will wonder why your child has no problem kissing an adult on the mouth.

Why do we kiss on the lips?

‘People don’t like to hear this but the lips are an erogenous zone and feel-good chemicals that are associated with sexual arousal – including serotonin and oxytocin – are released through lip-kissing. Asking Ian why he kisses his daughter on the lips prompts an outpouring of emotion.