
What should you consider when choosing a type of written communication?

What should you consider when choosing a type of written communication?

Three Critical Factors to Consider Before You Choose a Communication Technique

  • Assume the other person has benign intent until you definitely learn otherwise.
  • Communicate in ways that do not project a threat to the other person.
  • Make it easy for the other person to receive your message.

What are the factors you need to consider when selecting the most appropriate communication methods for presenting information to customers based on their requests?

Some factors to consider when choosing a communication tool:

  • Who is the audience?
  • Does immediate feedback need to be gathered?
  • Should there be a written record?
  • Is the information confidential?
  • Is the message urgent?
  • Does the information need to be communicated to everyone in the same way and/or at the same time?

What are the factors to consider in communication?

The 6 Key Factors to Successful Communication

  • Listening.
  • Verbal Communication.
  • Nonverbal Communication.
  • Emotional Awareness.
  • Written Communication.
  • Communicating in Difficult Situations.
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Which communication is better in between oral or written?

Oral Communication is faster than Written Communication. Misinterpretation of the message is possible in Oral Communication but not in Written Communication. In oral communication, instant feedback is received from the recipient which is not possible in Written Communication.

What are the oral communication?

Oral communication implies communication through mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, discussions are all forms of oral communication.

What five factors are important in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message?

In order to do so, you must consider the following factors: the importance of the message, the amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required, the necessity of a permanent record, the cost of the channel, the degree of formality desired, and the confidentiality and sensitivity of the message.

What seven factors are important in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message what makes one channel richer than another LO 3?

Importance of the message, amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required, necessity of permanent record, cost of the channel, degree of formality desired, confidentiality and sensitivity of the message, and receiver’s preference and level of technical expertise.

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What are the 4 factors of communication?

The communication process is made up of four key components. Those components include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors in the process, and those two factors are present in the form of the sender and the receiver.

What are the determinants of effective oral communication?

There are several factors which can impact your ability to speak confidently, including your command of the subject matter, your word choice, the tone of your voice, your body language, and your ability to make direct eye contact with your audience.

What are the differences between oral and written literature?

Oral literature is done through words and speaking, whereas written is through the written word. Written literature can be in the form of short stories, novels and prose whereas oral literature can be described as poems and bards.

What are the differences between and oral and written presentation?

While both can be powerful, there are quite a few differences in the way that they are affected through communication. A written presentation tends to be rather direct and to the point. Oral communication is by nature a very dynamic method for transferring information between individuals and/or groups.

What factors should be considered while selecting a mode of communication?

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Cost: The cost of sending a message is also to be considered while selecting a mode of communication. The result obtained should justify the expenditure. Factor # 3. Record: If the record of the communication is important it should be written, otherwise oral communication is sufficient. Factor # 4.

Why do people normally use the oral mode of communication?

People normally use the oral mode of communication because it is convenient and less time-consuming. However, people normally believe in the written text more than what they hear that is why written communication is considered as the reliable method of communication.

How to choose the right medium of communication for your message?

The third item to regard as to choosing the medium of communication is that of confidentiality, safety and security that you wish to ensure regarding the message. If you were sending results from a hospital to a patient, you would not send it buy television but rather email or telephone as it is confidential information.

What is the basis for communication?

Basis for Communication. Oral Communication. Written Communication. Meaning. Exchange of ideas, information and message through spoken words is Oral Communication. Interchange of message, opinions and information in written or printed form is Written Communication.