
What if Dooku was captured on Geonosis?

What if Dooku was captured on Geonosis?

When Count Dooku battled Master Yoda on Geonosis, he had in his possession the plans that would eventually be used to build the Death Star. Supposing he had lost the battle with Yoda and been captured, the Jedi would then have the plans.

Could Dooku have killed Anakin?

Originally Answered: What if Count Dooku defeated Anakin in Revenge of the Sith? Dooku wouldn’t have hesitated, he’d have just killed Anakin right there and be done with it. And Palpatine would have praised him for it.

Who is more powerful Mace Windu or Palpatine?

The biggest reason he is a grand Jedi Master is because of his experience and wisdom… It’s generally established that Mace Windu is more powerful then Yoda. If not the most skilled Jedi in his time. Windu couldn’t sense that Sidious was clearly lying about being “too weak” when begging Anakin to “help” him.

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Who is the actor for Count Dooku?

Christopher LeeStar Wars: The Clone Wars
Corey BurtonStar Wars: The Clone WarsMichael DonovanLEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales
Count Dooku/Voiced by

What if Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan?

If Darth Maul ended up killing both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, Anakin would have been taken and trained by Maul, who would have made Anakin the most powerful Sith of all-time. 4 What-If Obi-Wan Defeated Darth Vader?

Can Anakin Skywalker defeat Obi-Wan Kenobi?

 Kenobi bested Anakin, which resulted in Anakin losing both his legs and suffering severe burns. If Anakin was able to defeat Obi-Wan during this epic battle, Darth Vader would have been even stronger and would not of needed his iconic clunky suit.

What if Count Dooku was still a Jedi?

Dooku was one of the most skilled Jedi considering he was trained by the likes of the legendary Yoda. Dooku would have been a valuable asset in the Clone Wars if he was still a Jedi, and it would have made things much more difficult for Palpatine if he didn’t have him as an ally. 13 What-If Rey Joined Kylo To Rule The Galaxy?

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What is Qui Gon Jinn’s relationship with Anakin Skywalker?

Qui-Gon Jinn was the Jedi that discovered a young Anakin Skywalker as a slave on the planet of Tatooine. Qui Gon was supposed to train Anakin, but this mentorship was moved onto Obi-Wan Kenobi once Qui-Gon was killed by Darth Maul.