
What does the phrase reason being mean?

What does the phrase reason being mean?

phrase. If a person or thing is someone’s reason for living or their reason for being, they are the most important thing in that person’s life.

Is there a comma after reason being?

Re: ‘reason being’ or ‘the reason being’ It’s often left out in speech and informal writing, but in formal writing you should write it in. Note that, there should be a period here, not a comma: “…

What is an example of using reason?

Reason is the cause for something to happen or the power of your brain to think, understand and engage in logical thought. An example of reason is when you are late because your car ran out of gas. An example of reason is the ability to think logically. Tried to reason with her son to eat a good breakfast.

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How do you use reason being?

  1. The usage of reason being in sentence;
  2. I drink water early in the morning, the reason being pure water’s ability to cleanse the body.
  3. I don’t give up my pursuits so easily, the reason being, the amount of effort that has gone into it in reaching this stage.

Can I say the reason why?

The phrase reason why is not correct. Since the word reason itself explains the question why, it becomes unnecessary to avoid using the latter after the former. This is just like how people say discuss about, which too uses the preposition unnecessarily.

How do you start a reason sentence?

Causative sentence connectors: “For this reason” At the beginning of a sentence (followed by a comma), ‘thus’ can have four different functions. Similar to the other causative connectors in this group, it can be used to link reasons with results, with the meaning of “For this reason” or “Because of this/that”.

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What are reasons in writing?

Reasons for writing The primary reason for writing anything is to communicate with others, to stimulate interest or action from the reader. You may also use writing to help you to reflect on your experiences and learn from them.

Can you start a sentence with one reason being?

‘The reason being’ can’t start a sentence.

Can I start a sentence with the reason?

It’s grammatically fine, and its supposed redundancy is at worst mild. You’re welcome to use the reason is that instead, as both are standard, but there’s no good reason to oppose the reason is because.

What is a sentence using the word reason?

Sentence Examples. The reason being that she was once a ward of court herself, explains Pauline Collins, who plays her. The deep-background reason being offered for the rule change is to prevent personation. The reason being, in West Malaysia, priority was given to the development of roads and railways due to unnavigability of most rivers there.

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What is the meaning of the word reason?

Use reason in a sentence. noun. Reason is the cause for something to happen or the power of your brain to think, understand and engage in logical thought. An example of reason is when you are late because your car ran out of gas. An example of reason is the ability to think logically.

What is the word reason?

The meaning of the word reason in senses such as human reason also overlaps to a large extent with rationality and the adjective of reason in philosophical contexts is normally rational, rather than reasoned or reasonable.