
Did criston Cole love Rhaenyra?

Did criston Cole love Rhaenyra?

Ser Criston Cole was a knight from House Cole who rose to become Lord Commander of the Kingsguard for Viserys I Targaryen. His relationship with Viserys’s daughter, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, was first friendly and then adversarial. Criston also served as Hand of the King for Aegon II during part of the war.

Who married Rhaenyra?

Ser Laenor Velaryon
Rhaenyra Targaryen

Rhaenyra Targaryen by Amok©
Spouse(s) 1st: Ser Laenor Velaryon 2nd: Prince Daemon Targaryen
Lover(s) Ser Criston Cole (rumored) Ser Harwin Strong (rumored)
Issue Jacaerys Velaryon Lucerys Velaryon Joffrey Velaryon Aegon Targaryen Viserys Targaryen Visenya Targaryen
Father Viserys I Targaryen

Who killed Laenor Velaryon?

Ser Qarl Correy
Laenor was slain by his friend, Ser Qarl Correy, while attending a fair at Spicetown in 120 AC. The merchants present reported that the two men had been quarreling before the blades had come out.

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How did Jacaerys Velaryon die?

Notes. ↑ Jacaerys died during the Battle of the Gullet which The World of Ice & Fire includes among the battles of 129 AC, but this was changed by George R. R. Martin to 130 AC in Fire & Blood.

What happened between criston Cole and Rhaenyra?

At a young age she pleaded with her father for him to be named her sworn shield (calling him “my white knight”) and so he was. And in the coming years he was always by her side and carried her favor in jousts. However years later the two broke apart, in a spat that left the two bitter with one another.

Is daenerys related to Rhaenyra?

Born Rhaenyra Waters, she is legitimized within the first few days of her life and given the title Princess of Dragonstone and made Daenerys’ heir, until the young queen had children of her own, at which time she was bestowed with the title of Princess of Summerhall.

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Who killed Harwin strong?

Septon Eustace suspects that Daemon had Harwin killed, to remove a potential rival for Rhaenyra’s affections. Mushroom alleges that Laenor’s father Corlys Velaryon had Harwin killed, exacting a father’s vengeance on the man who had cuckholded his son.