
How do INTJs deal with crushes?

How do INTJs deal with crushes?

Crushes do not tend to happen easily to INTJs, so mature INTJs will probably treat a crush seriously by systematically learning about the person and analyzing the level of compatibility, with an eye on the long term prospects of the relationship.

How do you start a conversation with an INTJ?

Just ask them questions about them or ask them to tell you about them and they will gladly pour out their whole heart and mind to you. But only if you keep an open mind without much judgement. If possible, question the theories and ask them how real they are, they love arguments a lot.

What do you talk about with an INTJ?

Be prepared to discuss and argue about abstract ideas. INTJs discuss and argue a lot, because they have so many contingencies to consider. And they can talk about deep and abstract ideas, like politics, philosophy, and spirituality.

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Do intjs over analyze their crush too much?

Like INFJs, INTJs often spend too long analyzing a crush and, by the time they feel ready to pursue it, the opportunity has already passed them by.

Are intjs shallow in relationships?

It’s not that INTJs don’t want to spend time with people they love and are close to, instead, INTJs love efficiency. One of the greatest sins you can commit in a relationship with an INTJ is engaging them in shallow conversation.

How do you ask an INTJ what they are up to?

E-mail or text with a message about what you’ve been doing; then ask them a few questions about what they’ve been up to. If the answer is “nothing,” ask again. INTJs tend to not talk about themselves. Why?

What causes an INTJ to downgrade a relationship?

Random, out-of-context nonsense that doesn’t (T-I-E) teach, inform, or engage; or conversation with no real purpose other than wanting to hear your own voice, can cause an INTJ to downgrade the relationship.

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