
Did Voldemort care for Bellatrix?

Did Voldemort care for Bellatrix?

Voldemort did not feel that, but he wasn’t apathetic towards her either. Voldemort wanted to be above human (but he wasn’t and his death symbolises that) and Bellatrix was the most humanising thing for him, his greatest pressure point, which isn’t something he would like for everyone to know, especially his archenemy.

How did Voldemort react to Bellatrix death?

Voldemort’s reaction towards Bellatrix’s death proves that the Dark Lord acknowledged her as his most dedicated follower. The Dark Lord immediately tries to kill Molly Weasley in vengeance before Harry intervenes. Bellatrix was loyal until her death, and was undeniably Voldemort’s best and last lieutenant.

Did Voldemort care for anyone?

Voldemort is a very unifaceted, one-dimensional character. We know that Voldemort was incapable of love. He did not love anyone, and did not care to be loved. He felt nothing for his family, and only wanted his friends in school to rally around him because he wanted to hold power over them.

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Is Bellatrix more dangerous than Voldemort?

Other than Voldemort himself, there isn’t anyone more dangerous on the evil side of the Harry Potter universe. There is no denying how evil Bellatrix is, however that does not mean there are not misconceptions about her.

How did Voldemort die in the Harry Potter series?

Bellatrix goes straight for the kill, but Voldemort places a non-verbal Freezing Charm on her to stop her from assisting; he wants the glory all to himself. Harry and Voldemort have the same conversation we know, then Voldemort dies the same way he does in the original story.

Why didn’t Voldemort have sex to procreate?

Because he didn’t and that book is stupid. Long story short Voldemort would only have sex to procreate since he didn’t enjoy that sort of thing. The only reason he would procreate is to have an heir since he didn’t want kids for sentimental reasons. He would only need an heir if he planned on dying or retiring.

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Can Bellatrix be blamed for her actions?

She has done some unspeakable things, but it cannot be blamed on mental illness. She willingly participated in these acts, and would do it again if given the opportunity. Bellatrix did not need an excuse; she would have followed Voldemort through anything.