
How do you deal with a loud and obnoxious coworker?

How do you deal with a loud and obnoxious coworker?

How to Handle Annoying and Obnoxious Coworkers

  1. Be Direct. Your coworkers might unknowingly act in obnoxious or annoying ways simply because they aren’t aware of the way their behavior affects others.
  2. Turn to White Noise.
  3. Avoid Gossip.
  4. Breathe, Laugh and Be Positive.

How do you tell an employee they talk too loud?

Acknowledge your own sensitivity to noise, and express your grievance in terms of your unfortunate hypersensitivity. Say something like, “In the office, your voice carries, and I can hear it very easily.” Ask for help with the situation and listen to recommendations.

How to deal with loud co-workers at work?

1 Start off by giving your loud co-worker the benefit of the doubt, as she might not realize how loud she is. 2 Wear earphones if necessary to block out the loud talker. 3 Talk to the loud co-worker directly if other approaches don’t work. 4 Identify some like-minded co-workers and go as a group to talk to your supervisor about the problem.

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How do you deal with an annoying co-worker who calls constantly?

If that doesn’t work, or if you feel too awkward to do it, consider talking to his manager and ask for her help in solving the problem. Use the same sort of wording as above — explaining that you’ve taken measures on your own, like the headphones, but that the calls are long, frequent, loud, and distracting.

How do you deal with excessive workplace talkers?

Try something like, “Do Not Disturb – I’m disturbed enough and on an important call!” Of course, if your coworkers are loud and/or disruptive all the time, this is only a band-aid solution and you may have to escalate your efforts. (3) Speak to Excessive Workplace Talkers Honestly

How do you politely ask a coworker to lower their voice?

If the person says it will only take a minute, acknowledge what they’re saying in a noticeably softer voice or a whisper. Unless your coworker is obtuse, they will usually follow suit, and may eventually get used to lowering their voice when they interact with or around you.